Home » today » Health » 68-Year-Old Man Recovers from AIDS and Leukemia with Miraculous Bone Marrow Transplant – Fifth Person in the World to Do So!

68-Year-Old Man Recovers from AIDS and Leukemia with Miraculous Bone Marrow Transplant – Fifth Person in the World to Do So!

There is a possibility of recovery from terminal illness! A 68-year-old man in the United States was diagnosed with AIDS many years ago and was diagnosed with blood cancer 6 years ago. Fortunately, he did not give up and actively received treatment. Finally, after receiving a bone marrow transplant from a donor with a special gene, AIDS and There are no more signs of leukemia, making him the fifth person in the world to recover from AIDS. Now five years later, the man laughed and said that he was very grateful to the donor and was glad that he was still alive.

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According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Paul Edmonds, a man from California, and his husband Arnie House were first diagnosed with AIDS in 1988. Since the medical community had no solution for AIDS at that time, the two of them felt very desperate: “I was sentenced to death, but I was not ready yet. Good to die.” In 1997, a new generation of antiviral drugs appeared, and he and his husband immediately received antiviral treatment to suppress the HIV virus. It wasn’t until 2018 that Edmonds was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, also commonly known as “blood cancer.”

Despite being hit hard, Edmonds is still actively undergoing chemotherapy and preparing for a bone marrow transplant. Although a bone marrow transplant will face a high risk of weakening the immune system, he still hopes to use the donor’s bone marrow to rebuild a normal immune system and normal hematopoiesis. , so I decided to give it a try.

Miraculous recovery 5 years after bone marrow transplant

On February 6, 2019, Edmonds received a bone marrow transplant at City of Hope Medical Center, a California clinic. Fortunately, the donor he was successfully matched with has a rare mutated gene that only 1 to 2% of the world’s population has, and has the ability to innately resist HIV.

After the surgery, Edmonds showed no signs of developing blood cancer and AIDS after the donor’s healthy cells functioned. In March 2021, he stopped taking drugs to suppress AIDS. After nearly three years of close monitoring, doctors confirmed that there was no trace of HIV in his body, and Edmonds was officially declared the fifth person in the world to have recovered from AIDS.

Faced with the miraculous news, Edmonds admitted that he was very grateful to the medical team:

I am grateful to be alive and very grateful to the donor.

There are only 5 people who have recovered from AIDS in the world

It is reported that there are currently only five people who have recovered from AIDS in the world, and Edmonds has been living with HIV the longest among the five patients. Doctors at City of Hope emphasized in an interview that the related bone marrow transplant surgery is a high-risk operation and is currently only suitable for special cases with life-threatening blood cancers and AIDS. Donors with specific genetic mutations are relatively rare, so the treatment method It cannot be widely used among the 38 million HIV-positive people worldwide.

There is currently no drug to cure AIDS

According to the “AIDS Concern” data, AIDS is an “acquired immune deficiency disease” caused by “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” (HIV). HIV cannot directly cause symptoms, but after the virus enters the human body, it attacks the “T4 cells” (white blood cells and macrophages) in the human immune system, weakening the immune system and its ability to repair injuries on its own. At this time, some diseases that pose no threat to uninfected people, such as Pneumocystis pneumonia, can take advantage of the situation and cause the infected people to become AIDS patients. Although there is still no drug that can cure the HIV virus, the treatments adopted in Hong Kong have greatly extended the lifespan of infected people.

The HIV virus exists in various body fluids of infected persons, including semen, blood, vaginal secretions and prostate secretions. An infected person can transmit the HIV virus to others through contact with these body fluids. The amount of virus present in saliva, sweat, tears and urine is extremely low and is not sufficient to cause infection. Since people infected with HIV may look the same as ordinary people, only an HIV antibody test can determine whether they are infected.

Once unfortunately infected with HIV, the infected person may experience the following symptoms:

Until now, the medical community has not yet completely cured AIDS, but there are many treatment methods that can reduce the level of viruses in the blood, thereby delaying the formation of AIDS and the invasion of other bacteria, and improving the health and quality of life of infected people. Hong Kong provides “cocktail therapy”, which can effectively suppress the HIV virus in the body by inhibiting the virus from attacking the immune system. Currently, as long as they follow the doctor’s instructions, most HIV-infected people can be cured within 3 days of taking the drug. Within 6 months, the virus in the body was successfully controlled and the HIV virus in the body was suppressed to an undetectable level. “Cocktail therapy” can successfully suppress the virus and prevent it from attacking the immune system. As long as the immune system is good, the infected person will not get “opportunistic infections”.

3 major causes of HIV infection

Among infectious diseases transmitted through blood, AIDS is the most dangerous. According to information from the Hong Kong Department of Health, AIDS is a variety of diseases caused by the gradual weakening of the immune system due to infection with the HIV virus. Causes include:

People with HIV may show no symptoms and look just like ordinary people. After a patient is infected with the HIV virus, the incubation period can reach 10 to 15 years. Over a long period of time, the patient’s immune system will be severely damaged and gradually lose the ability to resist serious diseases. Patients will suffer from rare “opportunistic infections” such as pneumonia and skin cancer, which will eventually lead to death.

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Editor in charge: Luo Jiaxin

2024-02-28 05:48:48

#Terminally #ill #miracle #68yearold #man #diagnosed #AIDS #cured #blood #cancer #bone #marrow #transplant #years #Hong #Kong #Economic #Times #TOPick #Health #Urban #Disease

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