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67 corona tests taken at Schiphol on first day with test lane | NOW

The GGD conducted 67 corona tests at Schiphol on Thursday on the first day that the test street was put into use. A spokesperson for the Kennemerland Safety Region reports this to NU.nl.

This concerns about 35 percent of the travelers who qualified for the COVID-19 test. The test was offered to passengers on three flights from Aruba, Mexico and New York.

According to the spokesperson, the safety region is satisfied with the result. “Of course we prefer to have 100 percent tested, but it remains a voluntary test,” he says.

The security region hopes that the number of tests will increase in the coming days. Flyers are already being handed out at the gates where passengers arrive from risk areas, but according to the spokesperson, the flyers will be intensified in the coming days in order to communicate even better to travelers about the test street.

Defense helps with administering tests

Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced during a press conference last week that a test street at Schiphol will be set up to test travelers from risk areas. The tests at Schiphol are conducted by the GGD Kennemerland, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense.

Only travelers from countries where code orange (only necessary trips) or red (travel not recommended at all) are eligible for the test for the time being. They do not have to have any complaints for this. However, Schiphol must be the final destination of the travelers. Passengers who only have a transfer at Schiphol are therefore not eligible.

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