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6,695 new infections and active cases rise to 78,029

The curve of this sixth wave in Galicia seems to be definitely bending, with the sixth consecutive day of decrease in infections compared to last week, and an unprecedented decrease in active cases. It is the first time that active cases have dropped since October 23 (except for January 13, when there were 24,697 discharges due to the change in Sergas criteria). The 14-day incidence rises again to a new high of 3,461, but the 7-day incidence falls for the sixth day to 1,620, so it is a matter of days before the incidence at 14 follows the same path. It is to be expected that infections will continue to decline over the next few days, although the numbers continue to be very large. According to data from the Xunta, 371,529 Galicians have already had COVID-19, almost 14% of the entire population.

The hospital situation improves again today, with 9 fewer patients. The number of those admitted to the ground floor from 507 to 502 (-5) and that of the ICU drops from 53 to 49 (-4), making the total drop from 560 to 551 (-9). The 551 hospitalized today are 12 more than the 539 last Saturday.

These are the most relevant data today:

  • The number of 6,695 new cases drops by 1,920 compared to 8,615 last Saturday.
  • Active cases rise to 78,029, a decrease of 663 infected.
  • The number of hospitalized people drops from 560 to 551, 12 more than a week ago.
  • The incidence at 14 days rises 116 points to 3,461 and the incidence at 7 days drops 71 points to 1,620 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Today Saturday 1,920 diagnoses are registered less than the 8,615 last Saturday. The 6,695 new cases today include all kinds of tests, but it is not known how many have been by PCR, so the percentage of positives of the 6,628 carried out is not known.

On the Sergas data website today they do not say how many cases have been opened in the last 24 hours, but the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (371,578) and yesterday (364,883) is 6,695 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.

In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 6,695 new cases of SARS-CoV-2, 5 deaths and 7,353 discharges, which makes the cases of coronavirus drop by 663 people, going from 78,692 yesterday to 78,029 today.

The total number of hospitalized patients drops from 560 to 551. Last Saturday there were 539 hospitalized, 12 less than today. The total number of coronavirus cases recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 371,578.

Evolution of the number of infections and active cases

New confirmed cases in the last 14 days




Infections and active cases by health area

Active cases by health area

  • A Coruña: 16,197 (+10)
  • Ferrol: 3,872 (-88)
  • Lugo: 8.020 (-29)
  • Ourense: 7,972 (-270)
  • Pontevedra: 9,258 (-2)
  • Santiago: 11.850 (-245)
  • Vigo: 20.860 (-39)
  • Total: 78.029 (-663)

New infections by health area

  • A Coruña: 1,396 (+42)
  • Ferrol: 309 (+9)
  • Lugo: 670 (+21)
  • Ourense: 668 (-38)
  • Pontevedra: 795 (+134)
  • Santiago: 1.049 (+51)
  • Vigo: 1.808 (+137)

Incidence by Galician city

  • A Coruña: 3,629
  • Ferrol: 2,832
  • Lugo: 3.598
  • Ourense: 4,066
  • Pontevedra: 3,525
  • Santiago: 3.840
  • Vigo: 3.952

More than 200 infections in the last week

  1. Vigo 5 235
  2. A Coruña 4 085
  3. Ourense 1 906
  4. Santiago de Compostela 1703
  5. Lugo 1 509
  6. Pontevedra 1 328
  7. Ferrol 751
  8. Vilagarcía de Arousa 751
  9. Carballo 677
  10. Arteixo 606
  11. Ames 581
  12. Culleredo 558
  13. Narón 549
  14. Potters 532
  15. Ponteareas 518
  16. Redondela 504
  17. yokes 449
  18. Ribeira 408
  19. Marine 405
  20. O Porriño 400
  21. Cambre 398
  22. Moaña 354
  23. Tui 350
  24. Lalín 330
  25. Fog 309
  26. Teo 302
  27. Gondomar 288
  28. Cambados 283
  29. the 271 road
  30. Pole 259
  31. Nigran 256
  32. Mos 250
  33. girl 248
  34. Sanxenxo 230
  35. Tomiño 229
  36. The Boat of Valdeorras 226
  37. A Look 217
  38. Sarria 216
  39. Barbadás 216
  40. O Carballiño 215
  41. Salvaterra de Miño 214
  42. Verín 204
  43. Vilanova de Arousa 203

More than 200 infections in the last two weeks

  1. Vigo 11 674
  2. A Coruña 8 918
  3. Ourense 4 279
  4. Santiago de Compostela 3 735
  5. Lugo 3 536
  6. Pontevedra 2 927
  7. Ferrol 1 871
  8. Vilagarcía de Arousa 1 714
  9. Carballo 1 441
  10. Potters 1 283
  11. Narón 1 239
  12. Culleredo 1 220
  13. Ames 1 204
  14. Arteixo 1 164
  15. Redondela 1 164
  16. Ponteareas 1 122
  17. Cangas 1 121
  18. Ribeira 917
  19. O Porriño 903
  20. Cambre 849
  21. Moaña 845
  22. Marin 833
  23. Tui 757
  24. Lalín 706
  25. Boiro 691
  26. Cambados 658
  27. Gondomar 656
  28. Mos 639
  29. Teo 631
  30. Nigran 627
  31. the 600 road
  32. Sanxenxo 587
  33. The Boat of Valdeorras 547
  34. Sarria 542
  35. Noia 540
  36. Pole 525
  37. Tomiño 515
  38. Barbadás 492
  39. Verín 492
  40. O Carballiño 461
  41. Salceda de Caselas 459
  42. Vilalba 451
  43. Nursery 448
  44. Salvaterra de Miño 446
  45. Burela 441
  46. Now 439
  47. Bayonne 428
  48. A Watch 428
  49. Ribadeo 401
  50. O Grove 401
  51. Vilanova de Arousa 397
  52. Monforte de Lemos 395
  53. Betanzos 394
  54. Orders 376
  55. Bueu 363
  56. Xinzo de Limia 362
  57. The Laracha 358
  58. Rianxo 334
  59. Standard 331
  60. Arousa Island 322
  61. Caldas de Reis 312
  62. Chantada 305
  63. Santa Comba 304
  64. Vimianzo 293
  65. Allariz 292
  66. A Pobra do Caramiñal 291
  67. Mouth 275
  68. Fen 273
  69. The Bridges of García Rodríguez 262
  70. walls 260
  71. Caldelas Bridge 259
  72. Soutomaior 246
  73. Porto do Son 245
  74. Oroso 244
  75. Brión 243
  76. Camariñas 238
  77. Carral 238
  78. Ribadumia 223
  79. Celanova 217
  80. Cee 215
  81. Pontedeume 215
  82. Silleda 208

Data by health areas

A Coruña

  • Active cases: 16,197 (+10)
  • Contagions: 1,396 (+42)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 1,358 (+34)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 1,281 (-38)
  • Hospitalized floor: 128 (=)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 12 (-1)


  • Active cases: 3,872 (-88)
  • Contagions: 309 (+9)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 294 (+2)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 290 (-20)
  • Hospitalized floor: 30 (-5)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 1 (-1)


  • Active cases: 8,020 (-29)
  • Contagions: 670 (+21)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 664 (-11)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 642 (-42)
  • Hospitalized floor: 50 (-1)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 6 (=)


  • Active cases: 7,972 (-270)
  • Contagions: 668 (-38)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 689 (-14)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 650 (-36)
  • Hospitalized floor: 64 (-3)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 9 (+1)


  • Active cases: 9,258 (-2)
  • Contagions: 795 (+134)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 755 (+27)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 729 (+42)
  • Hospitalized floor: 81 (=)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 7 (-1)


  • Active cases: 11,850 (-245)
  • Contagions: 1,049 (+51)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 1,043 (+1)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 974 (-26)
  • Hospitalized floor: 80 (=)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 6 (-1)


  • Active cases: 20,860 (-39)
  • Contagions: 1,808 (+137)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 1,753 (-14)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 1,688 (-79)
  • Hospitalized floor: 69 (+4)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 8 (-1)


Deaths and weekly evolution

The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 2,873 people, with 5 new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,254 since the new normality, exceeding the 619 of the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 551 (-9), divided into 49 (-4) in the ICU and 502 (-5) in hospitalization units. The total of PCR tests carried out is 3,499,436, of which 6,628 in the last 24 hours.

The week continues somewhat better than the previous one, since the 35,925 cases from Monday to Saturday are 18.7% less than the 44,159 of last week. The last weeks have ended with 51,945, 29,797, 30,751, 14,665, 8,158, 6,259, 4,970, 2,979, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668, 1,4,138, 5, 1,938, 7,138, 5 5,273, 6,974, 8,414, 9,090, 7,085, 2,991, 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,117, 1,780, 2,498, 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 infections respectively.




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