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65 years in the service of the Church – Neuchâtel

Monsignor and Spiritual Counselor Ernst Moser celebrated his Iron Priest Jubilee / He still celebrates Holy Mass to this day.

. A remarkable anniversary: ​​At the beginning of June, it was the 65th anniversary of the ordination of Monsignor and Spiritual Counselor Ernst Moser. The now 90-year-old retired pastor has his retirement home in Neuenburg am Rhein, from where he celebrates Holy Mass every Sunday in the associated pastoral care unit Markgrflerland, alternating with the faithful in one of the five parishes.

On June 2, 1957, Moser was ordained a priest with 41 other young men in St. Peter. Six of these priests from the Archdiocese of Freiburg have now been able to celebrate their Iron Priest Jubilee. In his letter of congratulations, Archbishop Stephan Burger thanked those celebrating their jubilee for their “exemplary priestly service. I ask the Lord from the bottom of my heart to reward you generously for the good things you have done and are doing as priests and that he will help you with all your complaints and burdens of old age always makes you feel that he is with you as the force from which you live,” wrote Burger.

Ernst Moser (born on September 24, 1931) learned the basics of his Christian faith at home in Grafenhausen near Lahr, where he spent his childhood and grew up in modest circumstances with three siblings. On Pentecost Sunday, June 9, 1957, the celebration of the First Mass was celebrated in his home town of Grafenhausen. On Saturday afternoon, the then 26-year-old new priest Ernst Moser was picked up at the Orschweier train station by a delegation of riders and the youth of the sports club, the latter with decorated bicycles. Amidst the sounds of the music band, the church choir, the men’s choir and schoolmates, Ernst Moser was accompanied to church from his parents’ house, which had a large wooden arch. The local clergyman at the time, Wilhelm Keller, and Mayor Emil Kasper were delighted that, for the first time in 45 years, a son of the community was ordained a priest. Pastoral work now began for the young priest. The whole congregation wished their son God’s richest blessings.

Ernst Moser was vicar in Endingen, Dossenheim and Mannheim, then got his own parish and became pastor in Renchen, Pforzheim and finally 21 years in Badenweiler, where he retired in 2002. For 20 years, Ernst Moser was the dean of the Dean’s Office in Neuenburg, he was chairman of the Veronikawerk and the Caritasverband Breisgau Hochschwarzwald, which awarded him the gold medal of honor.

Archbishop Oskar Saier, also a classmate, appointed him to the clergy in 1986 and with the title of Monsignor Moser belongs to the papal court. As a subsidiary, Ernst Moser regularly helps in the pastoral ministry in Neuchâtel. In 2011 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for his numerous services.

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