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64-Year-Old Convicted of Driving Without a Valid License: A History of Illegal Driving

This is revealed in a recent judgment from the Telemark District Court, where a 64-year-old resident of Telemark has been convicted of three cases of driving without a valid driving licence.

The trial, which recently took place in the Telemark district court in Skien, was about the 64-year-old being caught for illegal driving once in August last year, once in October last year and once in February this year. Two of the cases occurred in Skien, while one drive occurred in Asker. All three times he was driving a car, and in two of the checks the 64-year-old showed his Swedish driving licence. In 2005, he obtained a driver’s license for passenger cars in Sweden, while he obtained a driver’s license for heavier vehicles and trailers in Sweden in 2010.

Drunk driving in the 70s

The 64-year-old pleaded not guilty. He admitted to having driven a car on the three occasions, but that he thought he was allowed to drive with his Swedish driving licence. He justified this by the fact that he had once shown his Swedish driver’s license in a control, and that he had then been allowed to drive on.

In the trial, it emerged that the 64-year-old lost his Norwegian driving license for drunk driving in the late 70s, and that since then he has never obtained a new driving license for any class of vehicle in Norway.

During the trial, it also emerged that the 64-year-old has been convicted a number of times for illegal driving, both in Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

The prosecutor, associate attorney Lena Kristiansen, stated in the trial that the 64-year-old from 1978 to 2018 has received a prosecution response for 19 cases of driving without a valid driver’s license. Furthermore, he has received some omissions from prosecution for the same.

On 22 September 2014, the then Parish district court convicted him of eight cases of driving without a valid driver’s license in the period 2012 to 2013, and five of these driving trips concerned heavier vehicles. In the then Kristiansand district court in September 2007, he was disqualified from driving forever.

Must go to jail

District judge Leif Olav Haugen and co-judges Gunleik Berget and Lisbeth Øverby refer, among other things, to the provision of the Driving License Regulations which is authorized in section 24 of the Road Traffic Act, where it is stated that a driving license issued in or outside the EEA area does not give the right to drive in Norway if the right to drive according to a Norwegian driving license is lost or recalled in Norway.

– In the court’s opinion, the regulation’s provision is self-evident. A person who has been disqualified from driving in Norway cannot go to Sweden or another EU or EEA country to acquire a new driver’s license in order to use it in Norway. The person concerned is subject to restrictions in Norway that do not change when acquiring a driver’s license in Sweden or Greece, the judgment states.

The court believes that the previous convictions and prosecutions for illegal driving show that the 64-year-old has no respect for the requirements for holding a legal driving licence.

– It is very aggravating that he repeatedly commits blatant violations of section 24, first paragraph, of the Road Traffic Act. As in the Sogn district court’s judgment, the court finds that, for individual preventive reasons, a strict reaction is warranted, it says in the judgment, where the 64-year-old is sentenced to 45 days of unconditional imprisonment.

The sentence is milder than the claim of the prosecutor, police attorney Lena Kristiansen, who believed that 75 days in prison would be an appropriate punishment. The 64-year-old was defended by solicitor Benedikte Sunde Jamth.

2023-07-06 16:48:46

#Lost #tag #70s #worked #truck #driver #years

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