Home » today » Health » 6:01 am – Coronavirus – About fifteen people swept away by the virus on average every day

6:01 am – Coronavirus – About fifteen people swept away by the virus on average every day

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in Brussels (Belgium)

Between October 19 and 24, an average of 5,691 people were infected with Covid-19 every day, according to figures from the Sciensano Public Health Institute published on Thursday. This is a 75% increase from the previous week. Between 21 and 27 October, 125 daily hospital admissions of coronavirus patients were also recorded, an increase of 43% from to the previous reference period. In total, 1,379 infected people are hospitalized (+ 38%), including 255 treated in intensive care (+ 6%). Between October 19 and 24, more than 15.1 people died per day on average from the virus, up 16% from the previous seven-day period. The death toll now stands at more than 25,900 deaths since the start of the pandemic in Belgium. Some 67,100 tests on average were also carried out daily, for a positivity rate of 8.8%. The virus’s reproduction rate reached 1.24. It is only when it is less than 1 that this indicator means that the epidemic tends to slow down. The incidence, which indicates the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, reached 543.5 over 14 days. Finally, 87% of adults in Belgium have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 86% are fully vaccinated. (Belga)

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