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60 years old, 70 years old … Who is eligible? How to make an appointment?

VACCINATION SCHEDULE. The pace of coronavirus vaccination is stepping up. During his speech on Wednesday March 31, Emmanuel Macron updated the calendar of eligible people. Those over 60 will be able to be vaccinated from April 16, while those over 50 should be able to receive their first injection from May 15.

Latest news

  • Currently, vaccination is open to people over 70, in addition to caregivers and priority people with comorbidity (see schedule below).
  • Emmanuel Macron changed the vaccination schedule and announced new steps during his speech on March 31. Vaccination against Covid-19 will be extended to people over the age of 60 from April 16, those over 50 will be eligible from May 15.
  • Can you choose your vaccine? In theory no, but in practice, yes if you choose where you are vaccinated. If it’s at his doctor’s or pharmacy, it will be the AstraZeneca. On the other hand, if it is in a vaccination center, it will be the Pfizer or the Moderna, messenger RNA vaccines. To make an appointment, you must go to the site sante.fr Or on Doctolib.
  • Be aware that a “skip-the-line” phone number will soon be set up, announced Emmanuel Macron. All people eligible for vaccination who do not manage to get an appointment will be able to call and get an appointment, on a priority basis.
  • Thursday April 1, Hans Kluge, director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO), deplored the “unacceptable slowness” of the “deployment of these vaccines”. He called on Europe to “speed up the process by stepping up production, reducing obstacles to vaccine administration and using the smallest dose we have in stock”.
  • Guest on RMC and BFMTV this Friday, Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, spoke about the pace of vaccination in Europe, and in this case in France. He thus called on the AstraZeneca laboratory to “honor its contract”, under penalty of France not sending any dose to the United Kingdom. “We cannot understand that there is a lack of transparency and that there are no delays in certain countries like the United Kingdom but that there are in our country,” he said. And to warn: “If we are not delivered, there will be no dose that will leave Europe for export.”
  • The search engine “Quickly my dose!”, set up on Thursday April 1 by Guillaume Rozier, founder of Covid Tracker, automatically detects the next available appointment in your department on Doctolib, to be vaccinated.

Calendar: who can be vaccinated against Covid in France and when?

Simplified vaccination schedule
Age Vaccination start date
70 years and over Now
60 years and over 16 avril
50 years and over May 15
All people aged 18 to 50 mid-June

Vaccination began on December 27 in France, it only concerns adults for the time being. France has a potential of 200 million doses, which can vaccinate 100 million people knowing that the vaccine requires two doses a few weeks apart. France will spend 1.5 billion euros for these vaccines, allocated to the social security budget. As a reminder, 70% of the population should be vaccinated, according to the scientific journal Nature, to achieve collective immunity.

Detailed vaccination schedule
Phase concerned public Vaccine used
Phase 1, until February 1 At least 1 million people are concerned:
– elderly people residing in a retirement home or in care units
– healthcare professionals over the age of 50 or with chronic diseases
– firefighters and home helpers over 50 years old
– people over 75 years old
– people at risk suffering from serious pathologies
Phase 2, February and March Are concerned 14 million people:
– first of all people over 75 years old
– over 70s from March 27
– then people over 65
– nursing staff over the age of 40
Phase 3, from April Are concerned:
– first people aged over 60 (April 16)
– National Education staff
– vulnerable and precarious people
– security personnel
– people over 50 (May 15)
– then the entire adult population from mid-June

What vaccination dates for professionals?

© Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health has deployed an online service on the Sante.fr site, allowing a vaccination center to be identified very quickly around one’s home (to find on this link). Regarding the installation of the device, the vaccination in pharmacies is free but can only be done by appointment, the pharmacies are free to organize themselves as they wish: reservation by phone, on site or by the intermediary of the Covid-Pharma platform. All you have to do is present your identity card, vital card and answer an administrative questionnaire as well as a health questionnaire before vaccination. The injection then takes place in a dedicated room. The patient should wait 15 minutes after vaccination. In principle, all pharmacies that practice influenza vaccination can also inject the anti-Covid vaccine.

It is possible to make an appointment on one of the three platforms chosen by the government, centralized on the sante.fr site (Doctolib, Maiia and Keldoc). It is also possible to make an appointment by telephone, by dialing 0 800 009 110. People wishing to be vaccinated and who are not residents of nursing home – those who are can benefit from an in situ vaccination – must go to centers, open on a departmental scale.

As soon as the appointment is made, a form is submitted to the patient in order to obtain checks on the patient’s profile and thus check whether the vaccination against Covid-19 is not incompatible. Allergies, medical treatment … This is the kind of information that is checked. It is then necessary to wait between three and six weeks before going again to a center in order to carry out the second injection inherent in the anti-Covid vaccines.

Vaccination in France is ongoing, but for many people, the wait is still required before the injection. To have visibility on your vaccine eligibility, the site Omnicalculator has set up a simulation allowing to obtain a more or less precise date, according to your age and your profile, all this according to the calendar set up by the government.

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The answer is no. Emmanuel Macron, during his speech on November 24, made a commitment to the French. The government’s strategy, which must in spite of everything convince the greatest number to be vaccinated, rather seeks to establish a relationship of confidence in this vaccine file, in the face of a population particularly reluctant to be vaccinated. The executive thus wishes to set up total transparency on the subject, which will have to participate “in the relationship of trust that the government wishes to establish with the citizens concerning the apprehension in the face of this vaccine”, as slipped a relative of the chief from the State to the Sunday Journal.

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