Ried’s mayor Bernhard Zwielehner (ÖVP) and the deputy mayors Peter Stummer (SPÖ) and Thomas Dim (FPÖ) invited representatives of the regional press to a so-called “thunder talk” yesterday morning in the town hall. The trio informed about some current topics of the municipality.
As reported, there is a serious parking problem in the area of the outdoor pool this year. The reason for this is an extensive renovation of the railway bridge in the swimming pool street. The ÖBB work is expected to last until June 2024. “On Sunday there were 1400 guests in the Rieder outdoor pool, the rush is large due to the summer weather,” said Zwielehner. Access by car is currently only possible via Gonetsreith, pedestrians and cyclists can drive via the Wiesensteig. “We would be happy if as many visitors to the outdoor pool as possible came by bike or on foot,” appealed Zwielehner. In order to alleviate the parking problem a little, the area on the former premises of the Weiermann company was rented for the summer. “There’s space for around 60 cars here,” said the city manager.
Free space for “gardening”
“Urban gardening” should be promoted in the Rieder urban area. For this purpose, the city will provide free space at various locations from spring 2024. “We want to make areas that are not yet developed available to the Rieders. They can then be managed independently,” said Stummer. An administration by the city is not planned, rather one relies on “the initiative of the citizens”. Stummer estimates that a total of around 10,000 square meters of green space will be available. One can also fall back on previously undeveloped areas of the ISG. Interested parties can register in the mayor’s office of the Rieder town hall. The organization should start in the fall.
FP Deputy City Manager Dim emphasized the importance of childcare in the city of Ried. In the current childcare atlas, these fulfill all twelve categories. “The goal is that this year every family can take advantage of a top childcare offer because of the job situation, because that is a core task of a community,” said Dim. give. This moves to Wohlmayrgasse (near Fussl). According to Zwielehner, a wool shop with a sales area of around 150 square meters will open in the current premises on Roßmarkt.
Compliment for city marketing
The preparations for the gourmet market on August 26th are in full swing. “I think it’s possible that we can bring together up to 100 market stalls,” said the Rieder city manager, who complimented the newly formed city marketing department headed by Helmut Slezak: “We are very satisfied and happy that everything works so well .”
Thomas Streif
Editorial office Innviertel

Thomas Streif