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6 Years of Cheating BBM Dosages Using “Remote Control”, Gas Stations in Serang Earn Rp 7 Billion, These Are Facts

KOMPAS.com – The police succeeded in uncovering a case of petrol dosing fraud by using the “remote control” mode at a public gas station (SPBU) on Jalan Raya attack-Jakarta KM 70, Gorda Environment, Kibin District, Serang Regency, Banten.

The method used by the two suspects, BP (68) and FT (61), has been carried out from 2016 to June 2022.

Also read: Gas Station Fraud in Serang Revealed, Reduce Dosage with Remote Control

The total profit earned by the two suspects was approximately IDR 7 billion.

“From the results of the statement and the suspect’s confession, the dose is less than 0.5 to 1 liter per 20 liters with a profit of IDR 4 million to IDR 6 million per day,” said Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of Indag, Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the Banten Police, Kompol Condro Sasongko.

Install electrical components

Condro explained that the manager modified the fuel filling dispenser by installing electrical components.

The component is coupled with an automatic switch that can change the dose without the consumer’s knowledge.

“So the literacy in writing that people pay for is different from the size of the scale according to the actual size, net content, net weight,” said Condro.

Also read: Gas Station in Serang Reduces Dosage by Remote Control, Conducted since 2016, Earns Profit of IDR 7 Billion

Not detained

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Considering the age, the two suspects were not detained. However, the police still ensnared the two suspects with Article 8 paragraph 1 letter c in conjunction with Article 62 paragraph 1 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and or Article 27, Article 30 in conjunction with Article 32 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law Number 2 of 1981 concerning Legal Metrology in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

“Meanwhile, the two suspects were not detained because of their age and health. Both are managers and owners,” he said.

In addition, the police have secured evidence in the form of two remote control units, four relay devices, report documents, four cell phones, an ATM and a savings book.

The case came to light after the police received reports and complaints from residents.

(Author : Serang Contributor, Rasyid Ridho | Editor : Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief)

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