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6-year-old boy slips from chair lift: doctor grabs him by the lapel: save

From Campiglio to Paganella, from Primiero San Martino di Castrozza to Belvedere Col Rodella, from Folgarida to Polsa. Just yesterday, there were over 60 emergency responders from 118 in the various ski areas of Trentino, stormed by numerous tourists in these early days of the year. For eight different situations, the medical helicopter was also started. In one case, the one that raised the most apprehension, the resuscitation team had to rescue a 6-year-old boy from the Veneto region who fell from a chairlift in Polsa di Brentonico. The boy was at the Montagnola ski lift together with three other children and a 45-year-old man, a dermatologist residing in Treviso, Michele Pagliaro. The chair lift had just left when the boy slipped under the protection bar. But before making a three-meter flight, the boy was detained by the Treviso rider for his ski jacket. For about five minutes the man managed to hold the child up, thus preventing the little skier from falling from a much higher height. Exhausted, in the end the forty-five year old could not help but let go. The impact with the snow, which fortunately cushioned the blow, was therefore less violent. Then there were two ski instructors, who had already been alerted by the cries of Treviso, to sound the alarm. Within minutes the medical helicopter arrived with the medical team on board. Finally, the child was transferred to the Santa Maria del Carmine hospital in Rovereto in not particularly serious conditions. With a few exceptions like this, the most frequent dynamic of accidents was, as always, the fall on the ski slopes. Specifically, yesterday there were 61 interventions of 118, for a total of 70 people rescued, including 50 in yellow code, 7 in green, 3 in white and only one, fortunately, in red code. At least six of the people involved in the accidents, among other things, were children or minors. In addition to sanitation, a great effort has also been requested of the Carabinieri in recent days. Just in recent days, the soldiers of the Castello Tesino station in Valsugana have recovered three pairs of skis – with a total value of around 4,500 euros – which had been stolen from three men inside a ski resort. It would have been a 55-year-old man, residing in Veneto, but originally from the Bassa Valsugana, who put the skis on sale on an online site (Subito.it) a few days after the theft. Framed by the police, who pretended to be buyers, the 55-year-old was sued for receiving stolen goods.

January 3, 2020 (change January 3, 2020 | 08:01)


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