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6-Year-Old Abandoned at the Window of Life: A Touching Account by Her Loved Ones

The Case of a Little Girl Left in the Window of Life shocked not only the residents of Nasielsk in Mazovia, where the girl comes from, but all of Poland. Everyone wondered what had driven the parents to such a desperate step of abandoning their daughter.

Windows of life usually become a chance for a better life for newborns whose mothers were unable to raise them for various reasons.

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The nuns could not take care of such a big girl. The police were informed about the case and resolute Eliza told the officers her name and where she livedthanks to which her parents were quickly found.

While checking the databases, it turned out that the father of the 6-year-old, who brought the girl to the window of life, is wanted. The man has already been arrested.

The closest ones are in shock

The reporter from “Fakt” talked to the closest parents of the girl. They are shocked, but admit that In recent years, Eliza’s parents have been struggling with financial problems, falling into increasing debt.

– They had a lot of debts, took payday loans and had no stability. He went to Holland to earn a living, and she took care of the house and their daughter. Both of them, you could say, for a long time they lived such a life on credit. Now all these debts overwhelmed her. Radek did not pay alimony. He had a feeling that he would go to prison and Wiola would be left alone and unable to cope.hence it seems to me that they did something like this – a family member says in an interview with the tabloid.

– She trusted him blindly because she was in love with him. They wanted to go abroad to earn money to pay off the debt, but I wouldn’t have expected them to do something like this. If we had known they were going to leave Eliza in the window of life, we certainly would not have allowed it and someone would have taken care of her. Now it may not be easy to get it back, he adds.

Horror of a 6-year-old

Residents of Nasielsk are moved by the nightmare experienced by 6-year-old Eliza. After being abandoned in the window of life, she was placed in a care center. Her fate will be decided by the family court.

– What must this innocent girl have felt when she said goodbye to her mother at home, and then to her father, who left her alone in a strange place with unknown people? After all, at this age, a child already understands the world around them. She definitely had tears in her eyes – the inhabitants of Nasielsk told the “Fakt” reporter.

Source: “Fakt”, WP Wiadomości

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