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6 ways to escape the routine and rekindle the romance in your relationship

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What is a “spark”? It’s the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, the electricity running through you when you touch someone you love, that deeply ingrained excitement. Some believe that this feeling will inevitably fade and eventually disappear. He is a myth. While it’s normal for the spark to fade after you’ve been in a relationship for a while, it can always be recovered. And there are some steps you can take right now to avoid losing your spark completely.

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Rekindle the chemistry of love

In the early stages of a relationship, many couples can’t breathe due to the excitement of falling in love. Unfortunately, this blissful state doesn’t last forever. Scientists have found this out oxytocin (binding hormone), which is released in the early stages of falling in love, gives couples euphoria and excitement through physical touch. It actually acts like a drug and binds us to a loved one.


Holding hands, hugsAnd delicate touches it’s a great way to show your love to your partner. Physical affection sets the stage for a pleasure-oriented sexual touch. It’s a good idea to aim to double the amount of kisses, hugs, and sensual touches if you want to improve your relationship. Also, don’t be afraid to try new intimate games – this is where they come in handy SuperSex.lv.

Plan dates for each other

It’s always nice to think of you. It’s also fun to do something nice for your partner. Therefore, once a month alternately plan dates for each other. Just tell your partner how to dress, from workouts to formal wear. The surprise of the date adds desire and mystery.

But be careful! If you don’t like football and your partner is obsessed with it, don’t think about taking him to a bar to watch the game. You will be bored and frustrated all the time. Instead of identify your partner’s strengths and match them with yours. For example, if you enjoy learning but your partner is creative, take painting lessons together.

Share your gratitude

In the early stages of a relationship or even a marriage, we often pay close attention to our partner’s positive evaluation. However, as the relationship progresses, those efforts fade and the partner can often feel unappreciated.

Think about how your partner contributes to your relationship. It could be anything from him making dinner for you when you come home hungry, using his handyman skills to fix things around the house, or walking the dog in the morning so you can get some extra sleep. You’ve probably always been grateful for these gestures, but you haven’t really expressed it because you now expect them. The key to strengthening relationships is say “thank you” out loud. Let your partner know that you appreciate the many ways they show their love.

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Try something new together

Offer new events and experiences, such as holidays, cultural and sporting trips, lectures or classes, spiritual practices, etc. what you could do together. Take dance lessons together, travel to new countries, learn to play bridge or golf. It can be not only fun, but it can also add a whole new dimension to the relationship.

Many couples have shared common interests since the beginning of their relationship and continue to do so together. However, often one of the partners has a special interest and it is personally important to carry it out individually. But it can also be fun for a partner to try something that their significant other also likes.

Follow the 5: 1 rule

If you think complimenting your partner will make up for your negative feedback, think again. The magical relationship is not 1: 1, bet brother 5: 1. This means that for every negative interaction (action, affirmation) you need at least five positive interactions (action, affirmation) for your relationship to be overall positive. The conclusion? Spend more time telling and showing your partner what you love and appreciate, laugh more and have more fun together. When you do, difficult times will be easier to overcome.

Turn off the phones for an hour every day

You already know the world won’t end if you don’t check your phone for an hour, so why not use it to your advantage? Think about when you and your partner are most distracted by technology, such as in the morning during breakfast or in the evening before bed. Agree that you will turn off your phones part of the time every dayso technology doesn’t get in the way to get the most out of your love.


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