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6 tips for maintaining a strong and sharp memory … including monitoring hearing problems

Many of us are forgotten from time to time, which is normal, but constant memory loss is one of the main signs of dementia, a group of symptoms that affect memory, concentration, and Alzheimer’s is one of the types of dementia, in this report we learn the most important tips that help you in maintaining Strong and sharp memory, according to the website bewellbuzz.

Tips for maintaining a sharp and strong memory

Memory strength
Memory strength

Monitor hearing problems

Since hearing loss is usually a gradual process, many people don’t realize the level of hearing loss they suffer from, this slow loss is something that many people adjust to automatically while they never realize that they have a mild to moderate form of hearing loss until they develop To a more severe condition.

because of Hearing loss at any level can accelerate the destruction of brain tissue and memory loss so far.

One way to combat memory loss related to hearing loss is to take regular annual hearing tests.

Many adults 50 and older have difficulty hearing, as do those who like to attend concerts or use earphones regularly.

Mixing with family and friends

Not only can you improve your mental health through social contact with your family and friends, but researchers have found that socialization is an important aspect of protecting the brain from a deterioration of memory.

The brain is more active as you communicate, as communication creates more connections to store your memories and interactions.

If you do not live near your family and friends, it may be difficult to find new friends to communicate with, especially as we have more responsibilities.


Numerous studies have revealed that exercising, whether intermittent or fixed, helps to improve memory, however, when exercise is inconsistent, it is likely to perform well below regular exercise.

Maintain a good sleep schedule

We need sleep for several things, as sleep contributes to the treatment of our brain for our daily activities; during sleep the brain organizes learning; and other tasks related to memory during sleep are performed. If you are constantly deprived of the sleep you need, you may experience a gradual loss of memory.

Adults should sleep between 7 to 9 hours a night for optimal memory maintenance, as teenagers need 9-10 hours and younger children need anywhere from 10 to 14 hours.

Watch what you eat

What you eat does not only affect your physical health, but your diet can definitely affect your cognitive functions.

Simple carbohydrates quickly turn into glucose (sugar), and as soon as the eruption of sugar disappears, your mind stays sluggish. Some foods that support memory are:


– Avocado.

-citrus fruits.

– Nuts.


Make your brain active

Try learning new things, such as learning a language or engaging in your favorite hobbies, your mind will create more memory connections. This helps your mind more easily access your old memories, as the brain actively participates today.

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