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6 technology books to give as gifts

International Book Day is commemorated every April 23, and one of its fundamental purposes is to promote reading among people.

Are you looking for publications about the internet, the state of the truth and socio-digital networks? Below, we present 6 technology books that are ideal to give as gifts.

Photo: Fernanda Rojas/ EL UNIVERSAL.

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The list includes everything from Elon Musk’s biography, prepared by Walter Isaacson, to an analysis by journalist Mario Campos about the battle being waged between technology firms for user attention.

What you can be sure of with these books is that you will understand the hectic activity of the industry a little better.

The author of this book, Mustafa Suleyman, is one of Microsoft’s recent AI signings.

In this book, whose full title is The Coming Wave. Technology, power and the great dilemma of the 21st century, Suleyman explains that humanity is not prepared for the great development that AI is experiencing.

The founder of DeepMind also wonders if a kind of showcase between catastrophe and dystopia will be achieved.

Where to buy: Amazon and bookstores

Image: special

The renowned journalist and analyst Mario Campos explores how technology companies are in a constant fight for people’s attention, which leads to the situation that almost no one is saved from looking at a screen for prolonged periods.

Campos analyzes the impact that technology and networks have on communication, the way we relate and the consumption of information, while continuing to offer tools to regain control.

Where to buy: Amazon and bookstores

Image: special

Just as he did with Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson now directly explores the life of the controversial businessman Elon Musk, the co-founder of Tesla, in an eponymous biography.

To achieve this work, as intimate a portrait as possible, Isaacson also interviewed Musk’s family and friends, as well as his adversaries.

The author puts the question on the table: are the “demons” that drive Musk the ones needed to drive innovation and progress?

Where to buy: Amazon and bookstores

Image: special

The internet and socio-digital platforms have, among their benefits, rapid access to information, which is still a double-edged sword, especially due to false or malicious data.

That is why A World of Lies: The State of Truth in Times of the Technological Revolution is essential to have an analysis of the situation, why we got here.

One of the intentions of the work is to demand that technology companies redouble their efforts to confront misinformation.

Where to buy: Amazon and bookstores

Image: special

For those who have ever wondered where those small multicolored pieces that allow you to form different figures come from, this book will be essential.

The history of Lego. How a Toy Sparked the World’s Imagination, by Jens Andersen, is based on archives and interviews with the founding and owner family, and is a case study on how innovation and creativity helped create one of the most iconic franchises. of the world.

Where to buy: Amazon and bookstores

Image: special

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