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6 simple ways to keep your lungs healthy

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The lungs are important organs for humans because of their role in the respiratory process. Here are 6 simple ways that can help maintain lung health.

If you want to start a healthy lifestyle, there are several ways to maintain lung health that are actually not difficult and not complicated.

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With simple steps, here’s how to maintain lung health easily and without hassle:

1. Wash your hands more often

Although it looks trivial, washing hands is the most effective way to avoid exposure to viruses and bacteria, including reducing the risk of transmitting the corona virus that causes Covid-19.

Maintaining hand hygiene is necessary to prevent infection of the lungs.

Make sure to wash your hands properly: wet your hands with soap, rub your palms, the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails.

Don’t be in a hurry, wash your hands for 20 seconds. Simply, sing the song “Happy Birthday” twice while cleaning your hands.

2. Reduce the frequency of holding the face

In addition to washing your hands more often, how to maintain lung health also needs to be done by reducing the frequency of holding your face. This needs to be applied also to reduce exposure to germs that may be on our hands.

3. Quit smoking

Cigarettes do not provide any benefit to us.

Not only lung cancer, smoking is associated with most lung diseases, such as asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Every time we smoke a cigarette, we have put thousands of chemicals into the lungs, such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar.

These substances damage the lungs, make it difficult for the lungs to ‘clean themselves off’, and irritate lung tissue.

Over time, the respiratory tract will narrow and we find it more difficult to breathe.

The danger of smoking is not only risky for people who smoke it. Passive smokers, aka those who inhale the smoke, can also be harmed by this object.

4. Exercising to practice breathing

Exercise is not only about maintaining a healthy body in general and controlling weight.

Physical activity can also specifically maintain lung health.

Because, when exercising, the lungs can work harder, including to enter oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

The best type of exercise for lung health is aerobic exercise or also called cardio, such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling.

During aerobic exercise, the muscles between the ribs expand and contract.

Then, the air sacs in the lungs work quickly to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.

The more we exercise regularly, especially aerobics, the more efficiently the lungs work.

5. Avoid exposure to pollutants

Pollutants in the air can damage the lungs. This lung damage is also more prone to occur with age because resistance to toxic substances decreases.

We actually don’t just need to avoid exposure to pollutants outside the room. Even in homes and rooms, pollutants are always lurking.

Some tips to minimize exposure to pollutants to maintain lung health, namely:

  • Make your home a smoke-free zone
  • Clean the furniture at least once a week
  • Open windows as often as possible to increase indoor air circulation
  • Avoid synthetic air fresheners and waxes that can increase the risk of exposure to chemical additives, such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Instead, use an aromatherapy diffuser and essential oils for a more natural scent.
  • Keep the house as clean as possible, including mold, dust, and pet dander. All of these objects can enter the lungs and cause irritation.
  • Use natural cleaning products whenever possible, and open windows when using products that produce fumes
  • Make sure you have an adequate fan at home
  • Avoid cigarette smoke

6. Breathe deeper

Breathing deeper or deep breathing can clear the lungs, as well as create a full exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

To try deep breathing, you can sit somewhere quietly. Then, breathe in slowly through your nose, then exhale at least twice as long as your mouth.

We can count when we breathe. For example, while inhaling, count from 1 to 4.

Then, when exhaling, count from 1 to 8. Easy, isn’t it, how to maintain lung health above?

We can stop smoking, exercise regularly, keep away from exposure to pollutants, wash our hands regularly, and breathe more deeply.

With the tips above, lung function will be maintained and work more optimally.

Also Read: 5 bad habits that can damage bones and joints

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “Simple Ways to Maintain Lung Health“,

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