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6-person rule, private, public place

In his speech of October 14, Emmanuel Macron recommends the “rule of 6”, in other words not to be more than 6 people during gatherings at home and to wear a mask even in the private sphere. What about gatherings in a public place, weddings, family reunions? Point.

[Mise à jour le jeudi 15 octobre à 15h04] Faced with the heavy traffic of coronavirus in France, President Emmanuel Macron wanted to speak on Wednesday, October 14. He announced several restrictions and recommendations. He invites the French to not to be more than 6 when you receive people at home. A recommendation he baptized “the rule of 6“. It also encourages the wearing of the mask, including in the private sphere. Thursday, October 15, Jean Castex specified certain modalities concerning the gatherings during a press conference. Marriage, anniversary, baptism, gatherings at parks, restaurants… What are the rules in force ?

As long as the population is not confined, gatherings at home are not prohibited. Nevertheless, the authorities call for the greatest caution, especially in the presence of the elderly who are most at risk of severe forms of the coronavirus and for whom contamination is on the rise. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran urged “do not multiply the dinners” and not to be around “different people”. For his part, Emmanuel Macron recommended on October 14 to respect the rule of 6 : in other words, not to be more than 6 people when you receive at home. “When we receive friends, at dinner, when we celebrate a birthday, when we eat in restaurants, the rule is six maximum.” , details the government on their account Twitter.

Locally, the prefects specified their additional restrictive measures:

  • In the Oise: Private gatherings of more than 30 people are prohibited.
  • In Ile-de-France : the authorities advise against holding events in the closed common areas of homes and buildings (such as neighbors’ parties), and call for strict observance of sanitary rules (physical distancing, hand washing, wearing a mask) in open spaces. The shared buffets must be prohibited. If the organizers of these events are not in a position to enforce the barrier measures, they must renounce this organization.

Faced with the intensification of the epidemic in France, new areas go on “alert” and “maximum alert” from October 6.

In the 72 departments “on alert” *: The Festive or family gatherings of more than 30 people are prohibited in all establishments open to the public (in particular party or multi-purpose rooms and marquees, tents and structures).

In “heightened alert” territories **: Prohibition of gatherings of more than 10 people on public roads or in places open to the public, except protest demonstrations (except for professional gatherings, passenger transport services, establishments open to the public, funeral ceremonies , guided tours organized by holders of a professional card and markets).

In “high alert” areas ***: no gathering of more than 10 people on public roads, in parks and gardens. Authorized protest demonstrations, funeral ceremonies, markets, professional gatherings (filming, guided tours, public road works), food distributions, aid to the most vulnerable, Covid-19 screening barnums are not concerned. .

* 72 departments on alert: Ain Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Hautes-Alpes Alpes-Maritimes Ariège Aude Aveyron Bouches-du-Rhône Calvados Charente Corrèze Corse-du-Sud Haute-Corse Côte-d’Or Doubs Drôme Eure Gard Haute-Garonne Gers Gironde Hérault Ille- et-Vilaine Indre-et-Loire Isère Landes Loire Haute-Loire Loire-Atlantique Loiret Lozère Maine-et-Loire Marne Haute-Marne Meurthe-et-Moselle Morbihan Nièvre Nord Oise Pas-de-Calais Puy-de-Dôme Pyrénées-Atlantiques Hautes-Pyrénées Pyrénées-Orientales Bas-Rhin Rhône Saône-et-Loire Sarthe Savoie Seine-Maritime Somme Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne Var Vaucluse Vienne Haute-Vienne Yonne Territory of Belfort Paris Seine-et-Marne Yvelines Essonne Hauts-de-Seine Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Val-d’Oise Guadeloupe Martinique Guyana Reunion Island Mayotte Saint-Barthélemy Saint-Martin.

** Territories on heightened alert: Bordeaux, Rennes, Rouen, Nice, Dijon and Clermont-Ferrand.

*** Territories on maximum alert : Guadeloupe, Paris, Métropole Aix-Marseille, Hauts-De-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-De-Marne Saint-Etienne, Lille, Grenoble and Lyon

→ In Essonne, in the municipalities of Gif-sur-Yvette, Orsay, Palaiseau, Massy, ​​Verrières-le-Buisson, Yerres, Montgeron, Brunoy, Boussy-Saint-Antoine, Crosne, Draveil, Epinay-sous-Sénart, Quincy-sous-Sénart, Vigneux-sur-Seine, Grigny, Ris-Orangis, Evry-Courcouronnes and Corbeil-Essonnes the Prefect took new measures from October 12, for 2 weeks: gatherings of more than 30 people on public roads or in places open to the public are prohibited.

Outdoor gathering: the rules

In high alert areas : gatherings are no longer authorized in all establishments open to the public (except restaurants if they have a strict health protocol).

In areas under heightened alert : Outdoor gatherings are allowed if there are less than 10 people gathered.

In the 72 departments on alert (listed above): gatherings in public spaces are possible if the group has less than 30 people.

Locally, the prefects are authorized to take other restrictive measures:

  • In the Oise: “Static” gatherings in parks, gardens or lakes are prohibited for groups of more than 10 people, the sale of alcohol is prohibited between 12:30 am and 6:00 am and flea markets, fairs or clearance sales of more than 200 exhibitors are prohibited. It is still forbidden to organize private gatherings of more than 30 people. These measures are valid for 15 days, renewable.
  • In Aveyron: From Monday, September 28, festive or family gatherings of more than 30 people in establishments open to the public are prohibited, until October 31. This concerns dance-type events, family celebrations, with friends, local parties, student parties …
  • In Indre-et-Loire : “standing social events are prohibited“announced the prefect of the region, Marie Lajus, on September 19, in all places open to the public. Pots, cocktails, dance evenings are also prohibited on public roads such as student parties, with static consumption while standing . “We must avoid a decrease in vigilance in collective social places” specified the prefect. Refreshments in enclosed spaces without a seated reception are prohibited, meaning that in outdoor space, they remain possible while respecting barrier gestures.
  • In the Gard : Festive student events, dance evenings, are prohibited from September 23, in all establishments open to the public and in the entire public space of the department, said the prefecture.

In cities and departments on heightened or maximum alert : Private gatherings are generally discouraged, and prohibited for more than 10 people if they take place in public space. A curfew is in place in high alert areas from Saturday October 17. From 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., it will be impossible to circulate in these areas, except for medical or professional reasons and on condition of carrying a certificate. The bars, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, concert halls and theaters will close their doors at 9 p.m.

► List of the 9 zones concerned : Paris and the 7 departments of the Ile-de-France region, Grenoble-Alpes-métropole, European metropolis of Lille, Metropolis of Lyon, Metropolis of Aix-Marseille-Provence, Metropolis of Montpellier, Metropolis of Rouen Normandy, Metropolis of Saint -Etienne, Metropolis of Toulouse.

In cities and departments on high alert as in Paris: wedding ceremonies can take place in town hall or in places of worship, but wedding parties are not allowed neither in establishments open to the public (multipurpose rooms) nor in a private setting. Likewise, private parties or student parties held in party halls, multipurpose halls, or any other establishment open to the public are prohibited.

In cities and departments on high alert : The bars are closed. Restaurants can stay open until 9 p.m., subject to strict compliance with the new sanitary protocol. However, this protocol prohibits tables of more than 6 people.

In areas under heightened alert : gatherings are not prohibited in bars but they close at 10 p.m. (or even earlier if the Prefect of the region decides). Dancing evenings are prohibited there and consumption must be done while seated, according to the rules defined in health protocols (spaced tables, wearing a mask up to the table, etc.).

Locally, the prefects have taken additional restrictive measures:

  • In Indre-et-Loire : are prohibited, in all places open to the public, all pots, cocktails or “standing social events” specifies the prefect of Indre-et-Loire Marie Lajus on September 19. Dance evenings are also prohibited on public roads, like student parties.
  • In Occitania, standing alcohol consumption and dancing evenings in establishments open to the public are prohibited.

In the 72 departments placed in alert zones, it is possible to attend “big” events, while respecting the sanitary instructions. However, if you are in a enhanced alert zone, large gatherings are limited to 1000 people (number of visitors) with a number of visitors being limited to 4m2 per person. In high alert areas such as Paris, establishments open to the public such as museums, are open until 9 p.m. and can accommodate up to 1000 clients maximum at the same time, while respecting barrier gestures. Theaters and cinemas open until 9 p.m. and must respect the rule of one in two seats.

Locally, the prefects specified their additional restrictive measures:

  • In Indre-et-Loire : the rule of one seat distance between each person present or between each group of 10 people maximum who have booked together applies in theaters, concerts, cinemas …

The Minister of Health clarified on September 23 that “whatever the area, burials are not affected by a restriction or ban“. It is therefore a priori possible to go to a funeral without restrictions. However, it is recommended to remain responsible and use your common sense … Barrier gestures must be respected.

Companies in departments in the alert zone and beyond, must do what is necessary to favor teleworking when possible, and enforce barrier gestures: a minimum distance of one meter between employees and customers. If teleworking is not possible, it must be ensured that employees avoid unnecessary meetings (conferences, meetings, etc.), close contacts (canteen, elevators, etc.). The employer defines a “gauge” specifying the number of people (employees, customers, service providers, suppliers, etc.) who can be present simultaneously in the same space (for example, a meeting room) while respecting the rules of physical distancing, depending on the architecture and dimensions of the premises. The number of people present in the work area is therefore limited by the size of the work and circulation spaces in the company.

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