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6 natural painkillers for each medical condition

Extraordinary selection of natural remedies to treat the most common pains, a great alternative without side effects. They stand out for their digestive, sedative, anti-inflammatory and healing benefits

In the last years much has been said about Negative effects of the usual intake of medicines known as anti-inflammatory analgesics (NSAIDs), such is the case of drugs such as ibuprofen, the acetylsalicylic acid and others anti-inflammatory, these types of alternatives usually represent a quick option for fight the pain and that is why they are widely used in homes without medical prescription any. Nevertheless recent studies check that their constant consumption and by long periods of time, presents side effects that relate to various sufferings from Health.

Between the main risks of its consumption are: affectations to the digestive system, greater risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases, increase in blood pressure, hurt hepatic Y renal, among others.

One of the best alternatives to avoid the side effects of this kind of medicines, is to resort to the consumption of natural ingredients that stand out for their great therapeutic and medicinal properties.

Natural painkillers for the most common ailments:

1. Lavender

The lavender It is one of the medicinal plants most popular that is characterized by its spectacular soothing properties, at the same time they recognize him Benefits for regenerate cells, have a great anti-inflammatory power, healing Y sedative. It is mainly recommended to treat skin conditions, as is the case with burns, wounds and allergies, is a good ally for deflate pain muscle Y migraine fighting; It is also extraordinary to combat sleep disorders Y high levels of stress They are attributed to improve the digestive functioning, especially when consumed after meals

Lavender. / Photo: Pexels

2. Turmeric

The turmeric is a asian root which for years has been used as a powerful healing remedy, one of the great benefits of this species is that it contains a active compound called curcumin which has properties to block the body aches and fight the inflammation. Between his Main benefits attributes to combat the rheumatoid arthritis, heavy digestions, colitis ulcerative, Crohn’s disease and various terms that are derived from inflammatory processes

Turmeric. / Photo: Shutterstock

3. Basil

The basil is a Aromatic herb that belongs to the genre Ocimum basilicum and stands out for possessing an extraordinary therapeutic value It is originally from the India, although it is also directly associated with the Mediterranean region, is one of the aromatic herbs most valued to fill with personality various dishes Their medicinal properties they are immense among which its benefits stand out digestives, snacks, carminatives and antispasmodics. It is a great natural remedy for favor the digestion process, decrease the gas, the heaviness abdominal and combat sickness. It is also considered a great natural ally to fight the migraines originally digestive and hepatic

Basil. / Photo: Shutterstock

4. Eucalyptus

The eucalyptus It is considered a basic aromatic plant for traditional oriental medicine, for years it is valued for its healing properties and healing. It is one of the components that are most used in natural medicines, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Is one of the best Natural medicine to treat viral conditions, it helps decongest the lungs, combat headaches and it is powerful to treat flu and conditions in respiratory tract. Also its use topical It is related to great benefits to fight pain and muscle inflammations

Eucalyptus / Photo: Shutterstock

5. Garlic

The Garlic It is one of the most valuable ingredients for its medicinal benefits, is considered one of the natural painkillers more powerful It stands out for its content in a active compound called allicin that has the ability to regular the high cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of suffering diseases cardiovascular At the same time it is considered one of the best remedys to treat cases of hypertension, its high value in antioxidants and vitamins makes him a great ally for fight diseases especially in the respiratory tract as is the case with flu, colds, cough Y bronchitis.

Garlic. / Photo: Pixabay

6. Camomile

The chamomile It’s one of the Natural medicine with more medicinal power and also of the most popular, it stands out for its spectacular antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and sedative properties. Among its main benefits it stands out for being a great ally of the digestion, relieves all kinds of pain, calm the heavinessand is useful in cases of gastritis or ulcers. At the same time it is a great ally for relax the muscles, fight the states of stress and power sleep.

chamomile tea
Chamomile. / Photo: Shutterstock

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