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6 Natural Drinks That Effectively Lower Blood Sugar Levels

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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – People with high blood sugar need to maintain their diet. Because an uncontrolled increase in blood sugar can cause several disease problems such as stroke and heart disease.

Certain foods and drinks are believed to help lower blood sugar levels. Here are some drinks that help lower blood sugar levels, according to Eating Well.

1. Water

Water or mineral water can provide something important for controlling blood sugar, which is the hydration of the body. Drinking water is associated with a 6% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews.

Interestingly, water increases blood volume, which promotes the release of amino acids that affect blood sugar regulation.

The relationship is even stronger when people switch from drinking sugary drinks (like soda) to water, because water reduces sugar and calorie intake, helping you maintain a healthy weight, which helps with blood sugar control.

2. Coffee

Research shows that drinking coffee regularly is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a 2019 study in the journal Nutrients.

Plant compounds called phytochemicals in coffee can support the health of the cells of the liver and pancreas, protect against the development of fatty liver and maintain the action of insulin (the main regulator of blood sugar).

3. Black tea

Tea is also a drink linked to a lower risk of diabetes and diabetes, according to a 2019 review in the journal Antioxidants. Tea compounds help improve insulin resistance and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

Researchers even say that these tea components could be developed into products that could one day help manage diabetes.

Most research has been done on black tea and oolong tea. So choose these varieties if you want to lower blood sugar.

As with coffee, limit added sugar (including honey).

4. Green Tea

Green tea consumption has been shown to reduce fasting blood glucose levels, according to a study in Nutrition & Metabolism.

The catechins in tea can prevent the absorption of carbohydrates during digestion, they can also improve glucose metabolism, and they can reduce oxidative stress, all of which can lower your blood sugar.

5. Milk

The protein in cow’s milk can help reduce postprandial blood glucose responses in people with and without diabetes, according to a 2018 study in Diabetes Research/Metabolism and Reviews .

These proteins, including casein and whey, digest more slowly and improve insulin response, thus having a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

The American Diabetes Association recommends choosing non-fat or low-fat milk (which can control saturated fat).

6. Tomato juice

In a small randomized controlled trial published in 2020 in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition that evaluated 25 healthy women, those who drank about 7 ounces of tomato juice 30 minutes before those who ate a carbohydrate-rich breakfast experienced lower blood sugar levels after the meal compared. who drink water before eating. This happens even though tomato juice adds extra calories.

The fiber in tomatoes can help slow digestion, thus slowing the rise in blood sugar that occurs after eating.


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2024-08-23 05:55:52
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