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6 Myths of Misunderstood Corona Virus Transmission

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

As the number of positive cases increases Covid-19, myths surrounding transmission corona virus continues to develop in the community. Believing in myths can create a lot of anxiety.

Scientists have confirmed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is transmitted by droplets that leave the mouth when coughing and sneezing, including in people without symptoms.

Here are some of the myths surrounding the transmission of the corona virus, citing various sources.

1. The corona virus can be transmitted by pets

In rare cases, some pets such as dogs and cats can get Covid-19. However, to date there is no evidence that domestic animals can transmit the virus to humans.

Quoting Live Science, some reports have found that cats and dogs are infected with the corona virus which was transmitted by their owners who tested positive for Covid-19. However, the Center for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC) in the United States, confirmed that there have been no reports of people contracting the disease from pets.

As a precaution, the CDC recommends that you always wash your hands after coming into contact with pets.

2. Children cannot catch Covid-19

Children can get Covid-19. The CDC study of 1.3 million cases of Covid-19 in the US during January-May found that Covid-19 cases in children under 9 years of age were 52 cases per 100,000 people in the pediatric population.

Another CDC study also found that among the 52,000 deaths from Covid-19, only 16 of them occurred in people under the age of 18.

3. Transmission is influenced by the weather

In fact, the transmission of Covid-19 is not affected by the weather. The risk of transmission remains even in hot or cold weather.

Many people also think that exposure to high temperatures, such as basking in the sun, can prevent transmission. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) ensures that sunbathing will not protect you from Covid-19.

You will still catch the disease no matter how hot. The corona virus is even known to continue to spread in areas with very high temperatures such as Arizona.

4. Can be caught if you are in close contact for 10 minutes with an infected person

The longer a person has close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19, the more likely they are to contract it. However, to quote Medical News Today, the possibility of catching it even if you have been in contact with an infected person for less than 10 minutes.

5. Urine and feces can transmit the corona virus

Some people think that the corona virus can be transmitted through human waste. However, health expert John Edmunds emphasized that the notion regarding the transmission of the corona virus through human feces is just a myth.

“We can indeed detect the presence of the virus in the feces. But, this virus cannot be transmitted to other people because it has been destroyed by the intestines,” said Edmunds.

6. Contracting the corona virus in the swimming pool

There is no evidence to suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is spread between people through water in swimming pools. If the swimming pool is routinely disinfected with chlorine, the virus will become inactive.

The risk of contracting the corona virus while in a swimming pool occurs through respiratory droplets that are spread in the air from the many people who are in the place.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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