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6 habits to keep your brain healthy

slowing down cognitive decline

Being physically active as you age can help keep your brain healthy. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is important to maintain brain health to maintain quality of life even in old age. However, the memory of a 45 year old cannot match that of a 25 year old, because the head ages as well as the body. However, active intervention can slow the rate of decline in brain power. British newspaper The Guardian has introduced lifestyle habits to keep the brain healthy.

Diet control

Middle-aged obesity is likely to lead to dementia in later life. The most important thing for losing weight is regular exercise and a healthy diet. Avoid chips, cookies, and processed foods that increase the risk of diabetes, and eat fish and nuts high in omega-3 fats. You should also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are sources of antioxidants.

△ exercise

You don’t have to be an athlete to live a long and healthy life. Just walking briskly for 20 minutes every day to prevent dementia. Exercise stimulates brain cells to make proteins that allow them to branch and communicate more effectively.

 Stress management

Stress reduces the memory centers of the brain. The stress hormone cortisol can also temporarily impair memory. Meditation and yoga can help control mood and improve memory. In particular, meditation lengthens the telomeres of chromosomes, a sign of longevity. Meeting friends and getting a good night’s sleep also help reduce stress.

Exercising the brain

Playing, going to meetings, and traveling energize brain cells. It is risky to live clinging to a smartphone or tablet PC, but some games can help you improve your multitasking and troubleshooting skills. Online searches also activate neural circuits.

△ Social activities

There are people who are naturally sociable, but even if they are not, people cannot live as an island. Even those who prefer a quiet routine should try to keep in touch with important people. The brain thrives on social interactions and connections. Experts explain that “our relationships and interactions with other people contribute to complex biological factors that can prevent the brain from slowing down.”

Learn and stay passionate

Just like exercise helps build muscle, keeping your brain active helps you maintain strong cognition throughout your life. Consider pursuing a new hobby or learning a new skill. The key is not to force yourself to do it, but to find an interest that you are truly passionate about. It is never too late to learn something new in life at any time. “Passion, or a strong interest in something, can be the decisive force that pushes us to learn something new,” say the experts. “Over time, this affects the development and maintenance of neural networks.”

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