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6 great places to put an AirTag

We show you 6 ideas of places where putting an Apple AirTag could be more useful than you think.

23/07/2022 11:00

Apple AirTags are small trackers that can be much more useful than they seem at first. They are small and therefore can be placed almost anywhere to keep it located carrying out its corresponding follow-up, something that can be very useful.

More and more Apple AirTags are sold, something logical considering that, in addition to its great features and functions and its brutal integration within the Apple ecosystem, its price is relatively low to be a brand accessory. However, it is clear that its final utility depends on the place in which you choose to place each AirTag.

Apple AirTag

See on Amazon.es: Apple AirTag

Place your AirTag in one of these places if you want to get the most out of it


Placing an Apple AirTag in one of these locations can help.

We have already mentioned on occasion what an AirTag is worth and some practical use cases. However, since ultimately their usefulness varies considerably depending on the type of person you are and the location you choose for your AirTagwe have collected some of the most frequent, popular and curious uses.

It is clear that Apple AirTags have helped many people, on the one hand not to lose valuable objects, and on the other not to leave them forgotten. For this very reason, in the 6 best places to place an AirTag We have taken both possibilities into account, so that you can get the most out of this accessory.

In your jacket pocket

jacket pocket

By placing an AirTag in the pocket of your jacket, you will avoid leaving it forgotten anywhere

Surely, on some occasion, have you forgotten your jacket somewhere like a restaurant, a bar, an office or even a party. This is normal since, when it is hot, everyone tends to take off a piece of clothing as far as possible, which often remains somewhere designated for it.

The problem comes when time goes by. Sometimes, when leaving the place, it is possible to forget completely of the garment, and there is even the possibility of not remembering until hours later. In these cases, he usually touches back to site in order to recover the jacket, with all that this implies, and here an AirTag can be of great use.

Probably the most interesting thing is that, at the moment when move away a few meters more than your jacket counts, if an AirTag is inside it you will receive an alert on your iPhone or on any other nearby Apple device. In this way, if you are attentive to the mobile, you will not have to go back too far to be able to pick up your coat again. And, on the other hand, once you are in the establishment, thanks to the Apple Find network and AirTag, it will be much easier to find it within it.

Inside your luggage or in the suitcase if you are going to travel (especially by plane)

luggage or suitcase

Introducing an AirTag between your luggage or suitcase can help you keep it under control at all times

During travel, bus, train, subway stations and other places like airports can be more confusing than it seems. Doing this accompanied by a suitcase does not usually help too much, which is why could be forgotten at some pointwith all the risks that this entails.

Put an AirTag in your carry-on, suitcase, or any other bag with higher value clothing or items can help keep you fully in control at all times. If you become too separated from your luggage, you will receive a notification on your phone so that you are aware of it and can act in time, while if at any time you need locate your things the AirTag can also help you.

It’s more, if you are going to fly by plane and you decide, for example, to check in your suitcase, it may be convenient to have an AirTag inside. It would not be the first time that, due to computer or human confusion, a suitcase ends up on a wrong flight, with all the risks that this entails. Thanks to an AirTag, you can know where your luggage is at all times And if for some reason it unluckily ends up somewhere else, thanks to Apple’s Find network you’ll know where.

On your bike, motorcycle, car or any other vehicle


Placing an AirTag on your bike, motorcycle, car or any vehicle can help prevent theft

Every day we see new cases of vehicle theft that are recovered thanks to Apple’s AirTag. If your bicycle, motorcycle or car have any not too visible place in which to be able to hide an AirTag, can become a great location for it.

In this case, driving away alerts may not be very helpful, especially if you don’t keep your vehicle at home or if you don’t always use it. However, this is not a problem since they can be disabled. The interesting thing comes when accidentally, the vehicle disappears.

What to do if you find a lost AirTag

On one side, if you choose to park it, you will not need to memorize its location. Thanks to AirTag and the Apple Find network, its location will be saved so you can locate it when you need it most without too much effort. And, if we put ourselves in a worse case, how could it be theft or theft from it, we will also be protected: thanks again to the Search network, will it be possible to locate the vehiclebeing possible to alert the Police or any other authority that may be of help in its recovery.

A keychain with special utility

AirTag on keychain

Placing an AirTag on your keychain can be the solution if you can never find your keys

Probably the keys of the house, the car or any other element are one of the easiest objects to forget or lose. Since they do not weigh too much, we are not always aware of whether we are wearing them or not, and this can become a serious problem on certain occasions.

By placing an AirTag on the keychain, locating the keys will be as simple as locating the iPhone. On the one hand, you can use the Find My app on any of your devices to see their generic location, or if you have an iPhone with UWB, you can even easily locate them. Also, thanks to the built-in speaker on the AirTagsyou will also be able to remotely play a small sound that will always help you find your keys.

In order to carry this out, I reallyyou will need to attach the AirTag to your keys. Unless your keychain is adapted, you should buy one of the best AirTag accessories, thanks to which you will be able to hold it much better. Apple also has your own keychains for this productbeing one of the most outstanding utilities.

Belkin AirTag Keychain

See on Amazon.es: Belkin AirTag Keychain

Control your pet with an AirTag on his collar

AirTag on pet

By placing an AirTag on the collar of your dog, cat or pet, you can keep it under control. Image: The New York Times

Another brilliant idea to place an Apple AirTag can be your pet’s collar. If you have a dog, cat or any other pet, you probably prefer to have it under control at all times. It is possible that, due to carelessness, your pet manages to escape From home. Or even that when you take him out for a walk he tends to run for some reason and you lose sight of him.

This can be a problem, but If your dog or cat has an AirTag on its collar, locating it will be much easier.. Taking into account the resistance of this device, if you place it by means of a keychain in it, you will be able to follow him at all times. Remember that it is resistant to water and dust, so this will not be a problem, although if you want extra protection you can always wear a protective cover for the necklace.

Protective cover for pet AirTag

See on Amazon.es: Protective cover for pet AirTag

In case of any loss of your pet, you can locate it thanks to the Apple Find network. And, in the event that someone finds it, remember that AirTags incorporate an NFC tag, which regardless of whether it is scanned with an Android phone or an Apple device will discover details and be able to contact you. In fact, there are even AirTag applications for Android that allow you to easily locate this type of device.

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