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6 Foods to Avoid for Diabetics: Expert Advice by Dr. Vania Utami

Bantenekspose.id – Diabetics need to watch their diet very carefully. Consuming the wrong foods can trigger dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it is important for diabetics to understand the foods that should be avoided in order to maintain their health.

Here are 6 types of food that should be avoided by diabetics, as stated by Dr. Vania Utami.

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Maintaining this diet is a must for diabetics to manage blood sugar levels.

By avoiding foods that can trigger blood sugar spikes, they can lead healthier lives and reduce their risk of long-term complications.

According to Dr. Vania Utami, people with diabetes must be aware of the following 6 foods to regulate blood sugar levels.

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Through a video showing on Vania Utami’s YouTube channel, accessed by Bantenekspose.id on August 24, 2023, it was revealed that these 6 foods must be avoided by diabetics.

“These 6 foods and drinks, which need to be avoided for diabetics. Regarding the food or drink that we consume daily, it is certain that most of it contains carbohydrates,” he said.

Added, when we eat carbohydrates, they will definitely be digested in the digestive tract and will later be absorbed in the intestines.

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He continued, when absorbed in the intestines, some of these carbohydrates are easily absorbed, but some also require more time.

When a carbohydrate is easily absorbed in our body, it is also easy to increase blood sugar in our body.

“But if, for example, there is food or drink that after it is digested and wants to be absorbed, it takes a longer time to be absorbed, this means that it will also take longer to increase blood sugar,” said Dr. Vania.

2023-08-23 19:17:00
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