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6 foods that work magic in blood sugar control

sugar in the blood from other factors such as overweight Fatigue and the role of genes, but food plays a decisive role, according to doctors.

Experts recommend turnout Foods With ingredients that help lower blood sugar levels; between it:


This fruit contains a chemical component called "sulforaphane"Helps lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin sensitivity.

The fruits of the sea:

It is an important source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help lower blood sugar levels.

Proteins are very important in controlling the sugar level in the body, as they slow down the digestion process and avoid high blood sugar levels after eating meals.

Proteins increase a person’s feeling of satiety and also help him get rid of the fat that accumulates in the body.


Eating nuts helps control the sugar level in the body, especially when following a low-carb diet.

Experts recommend eating about 56 nuts; Like almonds and peanuts, especially in people with type 2 diabetes.


Eating this fruit facilitates blood sugar control, thanks to the fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains.
In the year 2019, a health study revealed that eating 250 grams of what is known as raspberry with a carbohydrate meal leads to a decrease in insulin level and blood sugar in people at high risk of developing the diabetes.


This fruit is high in healthy fats, fiber, and minerals, and when added to food, it plays an important role in lowering blood sugar.

Health studies have revealed that eating avocados helps prevent a syndrome affecting human metabolism, which is a disorder that is accompanied by high blood pressure and blood sugar.


It is high in protein and is packed with other nutrients such as healthy fats, minerals and antioxidants and helps control blood sugar.

An earlier study in South Korea showed that people who ate eggs four times a week were 40 percent more likely to avoid diabetes than those who only ate eggs once a week.


level is concerned sugar in the blood from other factors such as overweight Fatigue and the role of genes, but food plays a decisive role, according to doctors.

Experts recommend turnout Foods With ingredients that help lower blood sugar levels; between it:


This fruit contains a chemical called “sulforaphane,” which helps lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin sensitivity.

The fruits of the sea:

It is an important source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help lower blood sugar levels.

Proteins are very important in controlling the sugar level in the body, as they slow down the digestion process and avoid high blood sugar levels after eating meals.

Proteins increase a person’s feeling of satiety and also help him get rid of the fat that accumulates in the body.


Eating nuts helps control the sugar level in the body, especially when following a low-carb diet.

Experts recommend eating about 56 nuts; Like almonds and peanuts, especially in people with type 2 diabetes.


Eating this fruit facilitates blood sugar control, thanks to the fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains.
In the year 2019, a health study revealed that eating 250 grams of what is known as raspberry with a carbohydrate meal leads to a decrease in insulin level and blood sugar in people at high risk of developing the diabetes.


This fruit is high in healthy fats, fiber, and minerals, and when added to food, it plays an important role in lowering blood sugar.

Health studies have revealed that eating avocados helps prevent a syndrome affecting human metabolism, which is a disorder that is accompanied by high blood pressure and blood sugar.


It is high in protein and is packed with other nutrients such as healthy fats, minerals and antioxidants and helps control blood sugar.

An earlier study in South Korea showed that people who ate eggs four times a week were 40 percent more likely to avoid diabetes than those who only ate eggs once a week.

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