Carbohydrates have always been associated with weight gain, but many foods rich in carbohydrates do not cause weight gain, and are considered healthy and beneficial, and should be included in your diet.
Doctors and nutritionists agree that carbohydrates are an essential nutrient that should not be avoided, and a Polish study using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in the United States warned that low-carb diets lead to unhealthy results in the long run. The results of the study were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in 2018.
In 2019, a study analysis published in The Lancet revealed that carbohydrates may be protective in metabolism. In a review of 58 clinical trials, researchers found that adults who ate whole grains, vegetables and other high-fiber carbohydrates reduced their risk of diabetes and colon cancer by 15-31 percent. They also had a reduced risk of dying from stroke or heart disease compared to people who ate fewer healthy carbohydrates.
We offer you some carbohydrate-rich foods recommended by doctors and nutrition experts that can be eaten without fear:
1- Bread and pasta
Do not avoid all carbohydrates, some options are healthy, necessary and beneficial to health. According to Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Sonoy Escobar, “The elimination of carbohydrates from the diet has an impact on your health and leads to a significant deficiency. Carbohydrates provide glucose, which is necessary for energy production in cells and even the brain, and they also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients.
But be sure to choose wholegrain bread and pasta, which are complex, slow-digesting carbohydrates.
2- Apples and pears
considered as This fruit It is a carbohydrate-rich food because of the fructose or sugar it contains. However, its nutritional benefits remain higher than the carbohydrates that you obtained, especially if you eat this fruit, peel it. Real Nutrition founder Amy Shapiro confirms that whole foods are rich in fiber, mostly water, and minerals that slow digestion and help us feel full for longer and reduce cravings for sugar.

3- Beetroot
Beetroot is characterized by its low calories, in return for its richness in vitamins, dietary minerals, and plant compounds that have many health benefits. It also contains fiber that helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. Beets contain essential daily nutrients, including 20 percent of our folic acid needs.

4- sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that our body converts into vitamin A. And one serving of potatoes contains the recommended amount of beta-carotene that we need daily, in addition to containing vitamin C, potassium and fiber.
5- Chickpeas and lentils
A cup of chickpeas contains 12 grams of fiber and 45 grams of carbohydrates, which makes this type of legume a good choice for those who monitor carbohydrates and weight.
Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and all types of beans are carbohydrate-rich foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

6- Banana
Another type of carb-rich food, which you’ll be surprised won’t make you fat. Bananas contain a high percentage of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, and therefore eating a banana daily protects the heart. But if you are concerned about the high sugar content in bananas, you can eat green bananas, as less ripe bananas contain less sugar.