CIREBON, RADARCIREBON.ID – It turns out that there is an effective way to whiten your face with just lemon juice mixed with olive oil, guaranteed to make your face clear white, free of dark spots and dull.
Olive oil is a natural ingredient that is known to have many benefits for beauty, one of which is being able to make the face bright and white.
Rich in antibacterial properties and Vitamin E, this olive oil is able to provide excellent nutrition for facial skin.
Olive oil has benefits that can brighten the face and make the face fresher and cleaner, especially if we mix olive oil with lemon juice.
READ ALSO: 4 Tips and How to Make Lemon Juice to Whiten Skin, Aside from being fresh to drink, the benefits are also effective in providing natural white nutrition to the skin from the inside
Lemon juice has more nutritional content that is more effective in brightening again, lemon juice is rich in vitamin C in it which is effective in treating skin to be naturally bright.
The content of vitamin C and citric acid in lemon functions as a skin lightener. The way it works is by shedding dead skin cells and increasing the regeneration of new skin cells.
For this reason, lemon juice and olive oil are an effective way to whiten your face that you can and must try.
6 Effective Ways to Whiten Face With Lemon Juice Mixed with Olive Oil
Here are 6 effective ways to whiten your face with juice lemon mixed with olive oil:
1. Do an effective way to whiten your face with lemon juice and olive oil at night before going to bed
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2. Prepare the juice of 1 lemon
3. Drop half a teaspoon of olive oil
4. Stir the two mixtures until evenly distributed
5. Apply evenly on the face and leave a few minutes.
6. After that, rinse the lemon and olive oil mask using warm water.
A mixture of these two ingredients will be very good for even out skin tone while making it brighter.
2023-07-14 04:12:08
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