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6 Effective Ways to Overcome Trouble Sleeping

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Difficulty sleeping is often referred to as insomnia. However, insomnia actually has a broader meaning than just difficulty sleeping.

Quoted from KlikDokter, insomnia is a condition when a person has difficulty starting to sleep, has difficulty staying asleep or wakes up too quickly and has difficulty going back to sleep.

Here are some factors that can cause you to experience insomnia, including stress, a busy schedule, poor sleep habits, medications and eating too much before bed.

Before going to bed, you are not advised to eat too much because it can cause discomfort when lying down, especially if you have a history of ulcer disease. It’s best if you eat 2 hours apart before lying down to prevent stomach acid from rising.

When you have evaluated some of the factors that may be causing insomnia, here are a number of ways to get rid of the problem of insomnia.

1. Create a Regular Sleep Schedule

Irregular sleep can make it difficult for you to sleep. Therefore, overcoming sleeplessness can be done with regular sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will program the body to sleep better.

2. Create a Good Sleeping Environment

A good sleeping environment is very necessary. Therefore it is necessary to keep the bedroom as quiet and dark as possible. In addition, the room temperature should not be too cold or too hot. Sound should also be controlled, so that the bed environment helps to fall asleep easily and not wake up in the morning.

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