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6 Dandruff Myths You Must Know and How to Overcome Them!

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp experiences symptoms of itching and is characterized by peeling and white flakes on the scalp. Dandruff is also one of the most common hair problems felt by many people.

Cited page Self, dandruff experienced by many people, ranging from mild to severe. Well, the most severe of dandruff is caused due to chronic inflammation that is driven by changes in fungi and hormones.

Dermatologist from California, Christine Choi Kim, MD said that in some people, this type of fungus is not dangerous because it feeds on the oil on the scalp. However, if ignored and not handled properly, it can cause inflammation that leads to a buildup of dead skin cells and peeling off.

This inflammation is called seborrheic dermatitis. Now before discussing further how to find solutions to overcome it, it’s good for us to know the following myths about dandruff:

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