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6 Daily Habits to Maintain Youth and Vitality as You Age

If you still do the following 6 things every day, you no longer have to worry about signs of aging and disease as you get older.

Outwardly, men’s stamina is relatively better than that of women of the same age, and their endurance is also stronger. However, the average life expectancy of women is higher than that of men.

Many men maintain bad lifestyle habits such as smoking frequently and regularly, drinking alcohol, staying up all night, and eating irregularly. This condition continues until after the age of 35, and men with certain body conditions will gradually decrease. If you don’t pay attention to your air conditioner, it can affect your longevity. By middle age, they will gradually begin to “absorb” the negative consequences their health has to endure.

If you want to know whether your body is in that situation or not, people between the ages of 50 and 65 can do these little routines to assess their fitness and know their specific condition, then take these steps, goal adjustments, gradually.

So what are they? Here are 6 things to consider.‏

1. Clearly remember where things are placed

If a man past middle age still remembers where he puts his things, it means that his physical strength is not bad. Young people who have just passed the age of 30 often begin to show symptoms of memory loss, so more attention is needed. If these signs appear in a person over the age of 50, they are likely related to the brain due to muscle atrophy or senile memory loss, so timely intervention is needed.

2. Can walk 3 meters in 5 seconds

Gait speed can clearly reflect the general state of health in middle age. This is because walking requires coordination of many systems, including the respiratory, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems. Under normal circumstances, the walking speed of an adult is 0.9 meters per step. So if you’re approaching 65 and can still walk 3 meters in 5 seconds, your fitness isn’t bad.

3. You can quickly control your emotions

As you get older, your hormone levels drop, making you more prone to insomnia, which can lead to negative emotions. If you can control these emotions in a short period of time, end your anger “quickly,” and stay optimistic and cheerful every day, it shows that you are in a very good state of mind. Since bad emotions can affect lung function and, in some cases, liver health, maintaining this habit will also greatly benefit your physical condition.

4. Can do 25 non-standing positions within 30 seconds

The muscle strength of middle-aged people will gradually weaken as they get older. They easily lose their balance and have difficulty doing exercises that bend their knees and shift their body’s center of gravity. Therefore, performing this movement can partially assess musculoskeletal mobility in middle-aged people.

If a person between the ages of 50 and 65 does 25 or more in 30 seconds, the bones are relatively healthy.

5. Almost no constipation

Middle-aged people are prone to constipation, which has a certain relationship with increasing age. If you’re close to 65 and you’re rarely constipated, it proves that your digestive tract is relatively healthy. This also shows that the person’s diet is relatively diverse and rich in nutrients, helping the body to function smoothly. Of course, fitness is also maintained at a good level.

6. Jogging for 30 minutes and not feeling tired the next day

Bones also age with age, which can cause bone pain, so many older people are unable to move normally. If you are close to 65 and can jog for 30 minutes every day without feeling overly tired the next day, this shows that the person’s endurance is very good. At the same time, this habit can also prove that there are no problems with muscles and joints.

-Excerpt: Aboluowang

2023-09-03 01:00:47

#Ages #Age #Enjoying

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