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6 Characteristics of Diabetes Can Be Experienced by Anyone, Lo

KONTAN.CO.ID – Diabetes is a type of disease that can trigger other health problems. To avoid things that are not desirable, try to pay attention to the characteristics of diabetes.

The sooner you deal with it, the lower the risk of developing other health problems.

Symptoms of diabetes experienced by each person are different. So, don’t use other people’s conditions to determine your body’s health condition.

If you experience one or more of the symptoms of diabetes, don’t hesitate to see a doctor. Later, the doctor will perform an examination according to the symptoms you are experiencing.

Furthermore, there are several examinations that you must undergo so that the doctor can determine what kind of treatment you need. Well, in this article, there are some symptoms of diabetes that can occur:

Hunger increases

Not only thirst, diabetes is also characterized by increased hunger. In diabetics, Hormonemds.com mention, glucose can not get into the muscles. As a result, you feel hungry constantly, even after you eat.

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Feeling thirsty is a natural thing experienced by humans. However, it can be a sign of diabetes. Moreover, if you often feel excessive thirst. This condition is associated with an increase in the amount of blood sugar in the body.

When blood sugar levels rise, the body needs more water to make the blood thinner. Water is also excreted along with urine. That’s what makes you easily dehydrated and often feel excessive thirst.

Lost weight

Although hunger increases, diabetics actually experience weight loss. according to Hormonemds.com, Disorders of insulin make it difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients contained in the food you eat.

Frequent urination

Frequent urination is the next sign of diabetes that you need to watch out for. The kidneys try to excrete the excess amount of blood sugar along with the urine. That’s why you are urinating more often than usual.

You need to be careful if you experience these symptoms. Moreover, if you also have the urge to urinate in the middle of the night or while you are resting. Also pay attention to other conditions.

For example, there is a burning sensation when urinating or the volume of urine that comes out is not much.

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Blurred view

Blurred vision is the next symptom of diabetes that you should not ignore. An increase in the amount of blood sugar causes the lens of the eye to swell. As a result, your vision will be blurred.

Dry skin condition

Diabetes can make the sufferer’s skin condition dry. If left unchecked, the skin can be scaly and cracked.

It doesn’t stop there, you tend to feel itchy more often. This condition makes the risk of skin infection increase so it is not good for overall body health.

Editor: Belladina Biananda

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