SERAMBINEWS.COM – Finding blood on the sheets after sex can certainly lower the mood, although some people may consider it a natural thing.
Rachel Bowman, MD, assistant professor of the Department of Women’s Health at The Dell Medical School University of Texas, United States, provides an explanation of this phenomenon.
He said bleeding during or after sex that was not related to the menstrual cycle occurred in about 6-10% of women.
There are at least six reasons why the vagina bleeds after sex.
1. There is infection
Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and infection mushrooms are those types infection sexually transmitted diseases that should be avoided.
This infection can cause inflammation of the cervix, which attacks the channel between the vagina and uterus.
When the cervix is inflamed, penetration can cause irritation and possibly bleeding.
Most of them infection sexually transmitted infections can be easily treated.
While, infection yeast is not sexually transmitted, because infection the fungus invades the vaginal canal.