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6 Actions That Prove There’s A Little Leadership Common Sense! – MRAJAH

Posted On August 10, 2022

Have you ever witnessed, any action, whether, taken, or not, taken by someone, in a position of leadership, that seems to contradict what you might consider a common sense approach? Why common sense, a rare entity, when, it comes down to how leaders, proceed, etc.? After, over four decades, personal involvement, in, virtually, everything to do with effective leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, development and consulting, to thousands of actual, and/or, potential, leaders to serving , personally, as a leader, on several occasions, the lack of doing so, is very concerning! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, in a nutshell, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 actions/circumstances, that seem to demonstrate this reality, and why, we should care!

1. Made the same error: Insanity is defined as doing the same thing, over and over, again, and expecting different results. Einstein is often credited with this statement, but, when one does not study the past, including the heritage, history, and demographics of a group, and only, in an apparent effort, to avoid, ruffle feathers, etc., just accept and pursue, sama – old, same – old, when they must seek and demand, their highest degree of true excellence! Although, it may seem, obviously, we witness this dangerous behavior, too often!

2. My way or the highway: We cannot allow, anyone, in a leadership position, to abuse the concept and mindset, of, My way or the highway, because, when someone does it, it’s usually deadly – ​​lethal, a lot of potential stakeholders, and not – profitable, in the long run! Because, if groups want to be sustainable, they must maintain sustainable growth, we must train potential leaders, to avoid those tendencies and behaviors!

3. Refuse to effectively, listen, and learn: Groups benefit, when they have an empathetic leader, so, when a person, refuses to effectively listen to, and learn, from every conversation, and experience, to gain greater knowledge and expertise, hopefully, results in greater judgment and knowledge, how can that person, serve and represent his organization, to the best of his ability!

4. Determine priorities, perceptions, possibilities: How a person determines his priorities, and his personal perceptions, and beliefs, oftentimes, determines his probabilities, and chances, of, his greatest success!

5. There is no true strategic planning: Although, some people claim to use strategic planning, few actually do it! The process should include a thorough examination, and review, of each, and everything, related to, creating the strongest possible!

6. The correct plan of action, including the possibilities, and understanding the potential consequences: What is the use of a strategy, and/or, a strategic plan, unless it leads, directly, to creating the best plan of action, for a particular organization? This plan must take into account every conceivable possibility, and the potential consequences!

Are you ready to use common sense, in leading a group? Are you the right person, fulfilling your duties and responsibilities?

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