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58 residents of azc Budel convicted by a judge in the past three months

In the past three months, the police judge has sentenced 58 residents of the asylum seekers’ center (azc) in Budel. That is what State Secretary Eric van der Burg of Asylum and Migration writes in response to parliamentary questions by JA21 Member of Parliament Joost Eerdmans.

The asylum seekers’ center has been in the news a lot in recent months because of a series of violent incidents, including stabbings. Two weeks ago, a 24-year-old man in the asylum seekers’ center was stabbed in the leg during a fight with several residents. It was the seventh stabbing in a few months. Since January there has been an emergency ordinance and residents may be searched preventively.

According to Van der Burg, the nuisance in and around the asylum seekers’ center is caused by people of different nationalities. “In Budel, incidents have now occurred in which Algerians, among others, have been involved,” writes the state secretary. It is also suspected that the nuisance is caused by asylum seekers posing as Algerians, writes Broadcasting Brabant.

Jail sentences or fines

According to Van der Burg, the judge issued sixty judgments from November 2021 to January 2022 relating to suspects from the asylum seekers’ center. In 16 cases a fine was imposed (whether or not partially conditional). In 42 cases a prison sentence was imposed (whether or not partially conditional). The other verdicts concerned an acquittal and an invalid summons.

In addition, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) has imposed 130 measures on aliens from the asylum seekers’ center. For example, 90 foreign nationals were denied pocket money and ten people were temporarily denied access.

Van der Burg believes that every incident is one too many. “I find the extent and seriousness of the incidents in Budel unacceptable. I take the concerns of the municipality of Cranendonck and COA very seriously and I also share those concerns,” he writes. “An emergency ordinance is a heavy measure, but the safety of local residents, fellow residents and employees must always come first.”

More security

According to the State Secretary, measures have been taken to restore peace at the asylum seekers’ center. Security on the site is being stepped up and requests from asylum seekers who have no chance of a residence permit are treated with greater priority. In the coming period, Van der Burg will also continue to discuss the security situation with the municipality and COA, among others.

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