Infections and active cases of coronavirus continue to rise in Galicia, and the 572 are a new maximum of this sixth wave of the pandemic. This week 2,465 new cases have already been registered from Monday to Saturday, compared to 1,382 last week. The infections are much higher, but the percentage of growth is declining: the previous week they increased by 132%, so far this week by 78.3%, and today compared to the 361 last Saturday they grow by 58.4% . The only positive note is that the percentage of growth is decreasing.
Hospital pressure drops today, with 5 fewer patients on the ward, but 2 more in the ICU. The 104 admitted today are 41 more than the 63 last Saturday.
Vigo and Ourense continue to be the main sources of concern. The Ol´ívica area today registers 173 infections, and Ourense only six fewer, 167. In the rest of the areas, A Coruña is striking, reaching up to 73 infections.
These are the most relevant data today:
- The number of new cases increases by 211 compared to 361 last Saturday.
- Active cases rise to 4,396, an increase of 426 infected.
- The number of hospitalized people drops from 107 to 104, 41 more than a week ago.
- The incidence at 14 days rises 17 points to 159 and the incidence at 7 days rises 7 points to 102 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
Today Saturday More diagnoses are recorded than the 361 on Saturday, November 20. Today’s 572 new cases are the 9,53% of positive diagnoses of 6,000 PCR tests, while last Saturday’s 361 were 9.73% of positives of 3,707 tests.
On the Sergas data website it says that in the last 24 hours 573 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed by PCR, and the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (188,547) and yesterday ( 187,975) is 572 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.
In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 572 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 and 145 high, which makes The cases of coronavirus rise by 426 people, going from 3,970 yesterday to 4,396 today.
The total number of hospitalized patients drops from 107 to 104. Last Saturday there were 63 hospitalized, 41 less than today. The total number of coronavirus cases recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 188,547.
Evolution of the number of infections and active cases
New confirmed cases in the last 14 days
Infections and active cases by health area
Active cases by health area
- A Coruna: 636 (+49)
- Ferrol: 224 (+21)
- Lugo: 435 (+29)
- Ourense: 1,134 (+126)
- Pontevedra: 380 (+38)
- Santiago: 385 (+28)
- Vigo: 1.202 (+135)
- Total: 4.396 (+426)
New infections by health area
- A Coruna: 73
- Ferrol: 24
- Lugo: 48
- Ourense: 167
- Pontevedra: 48
- Santiago: 39
- Vigo: 173
Incidence by Galician city
- A Coruna: 111 (+9)
- Ferrol: 153 (+20)
- Lugo: 193 (+6)
- Ourense: 589 (+60)
- Pontevedra: 134 (+20)
- Santiago: 92 (+16)
- Vigo: 249 (+31)
Data by health areas
A Coruna
- Active cases: 636 (+49)
- Contagions: 73 (+6)
- Average infections last 3 days: 70 (+15)
- Average infections last 7 days: 49 (+4)
- Hospitalized floor: 15 (+1)
- UCI hospitalizations: 4 (=)
- Active cases: 224 (+21)
- Contagions: 24 (+7)
- Average infections last 3 days: 28 (+2)
- Average infections last 7 days: 20 (+1)
- Hospitalized floor: 10 (-3)
- UCI hospitalizations: 1 (=)
- Active cases: 435 (+29)
- Contagions: 48 (-9)
- Average infections last 3 days: 48 (+1)
- Average infections last 7 days: 41 (+3)
- Hospitalized floor: 3 (-2)
- UCI hospitalizations: 1 (+1)
- Active cases: 1,134 (+126)
- Contagions: 167 (+61)
- Average infections last 3 days: 137 (+21)
- Average infections last 7 days: 104 (+8)
- Hospitalized floor: 25 (-2)
- UCI hospitalizations: 3 (+1)
- Active cases: 380 (+38)
- Contagions: 48 (-3)
- Average infections last 3 days: 48 (+6)
- Average infections last 7 days: 41 (+8)
- Hospitalized floor: 10 (`=)
- UCI hospitalizations: 1 (=)
- Active cases: 385 (+28)
- Contagions: 39 (-4)
- Average infections last 3 days: 41 (+2)
- Average infections last 7 days: 33 (+1)
- Hospitalized floor: 4 (-1)
- UCI hospitalizations: 3 (=)
- Active cases: 1,202 (+135)
- Contagions: 173 (+13)
- Average infections last 3 days: 154 (+18)
- Average infections last 7 days: 113 (+11)
- Hospitalized floor: 22 (=)
- UCI hospitalizations: 2 (=)
Infections in the last 7 days
- Vigo 477
- Ourense 400
- A Coruna 151
- Lugo 123
- Ferrol 74
- Pontevedra 62
- Santiago de Compostela 55
- O Carballiño 45
- Redondela 44
- O Porriño 43
- Girl 42
- Barbadás 42
- O Grove 33
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 33
- Allariz 30
- Potters 28
- Cambre 27
- Moaña 26
- Fene 24
- Mos 23
- Oza-Cesuras 22
- Narón 21
- Cangas 21
- Ponteareas 21
- Salceda de Caselas 21
- Tomiño 19
- Carballo 18
- San Cibrao das Viñas 18
- Culleredo 17
- Forcarei 17
- Nigrán 17
- Chantada 16
- Gondomar 16
- Marin 16
- Arteixo 15
- Tui 15
- Betanzos 14
- Pereiro de Aguiar 14
- Poio 14
- Ramirás 13
- Ribadavia 13
- Bueu 13
- Ames 12
- Mazaricos 12
- Nursery 12
- Xinzo de Limia 12
- Bayonne 12
- Teo 11
- Coles 11
- Gomesende 11
- Padrenda 11
- Monforte de Lemos 10
- Sarria 10
- Sarreaus 10
- Vilanova de Arousa 10
Infections in the last 14 days
- Vigo 736
- Ourense 620
- A Coruna 273
- Lugo 190
- Pontevedra 111
- Ferrol 101
- Santiago de Compostela 89
- Barbadás 60
- Allariz 58
- Redondela 56
- Girl 55
- O Carballiño 55
- O Porriño 55
- Fene 49
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 45
- Potters 44
- Moaña 39
- O Grove 38
- Cambre 37
- Salceda de Caselas 36
- Forcarei 35
- Ponteareas 34
- Nigrán 32
- Narón 31
- Oza-Cesuras 30
- Mos 30
- Culleredo 27
- San Cibrao das Viñas 26
- Cangas 26
- Carballo 23
- Xinzo de Limia 23
- Marin 23
- Tomiño 23
- Tui 23
- Arteixo 21
- Gondomar 21
- Ames 19
- Mazaricos 19
- Chantada 19
- Bayonne 19
- Betanzos 18
- Nursery 18
- Ribadavia 17
- Silleda 17
- Sarria 16
- Pereiro de Aguiar 16
- Poio 16
- Vilanova de Arousa 16
- King’s Hill 15
- Bueu 15
- the 15 road
- Vilalba 14
- Ramirás 14
- Trasmiras 14
- Lalín 14
- Salvaterra de Miño 14
- Teo 13
- Sanxenxo 13
- The Walnuts 12
- Gomesende 12
- Padrenda 12
- Neighborhood Village 12
- Ribadumia 12
- Arousa Island 12
- Miño 11
- Santa Comba 11
- Monforte de Lemos 11
- The Boat of Valdeorras 11
- Coles 11
- Sarreaus 11
- Cambados 11
- A Laracha 10
- Malpica de Bergantiños 10
- Foz 10
- Celanova 10
Deaths and weekly evolution
The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 2,666 people, with a new victim in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,047 since the new normality, exceeding the 619 of the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 104 (-3), divided into 15 (+2) in the ICU and 89 (-5) in hospitalization units. The total of PCR tests carried out is 2,981,235, of which 6,000 in the last 24 hours, with 9.53% positive.
The week continues worse than the previous one, with less than double the number of infections: 2,465 from Monday to Saturday compared to 1,382 last week. Last weeks have ended with 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668, 1,138, 1,995, 3,317, 4,157, 5,273, 6,974, 8,414, 9,090, 7,085, 1,981, 2,981 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,498, 4,066, 7,063.