One more day the data of new coronavirus infections in Galicia impact and reach a new maximum, with almost 6,000 infections and active cases on track to end the week at almost 50,000. The good news is that this is not translating into a large increase in hospital pressure, since although hospitalized patients are increasing, ICU patients are not.. Today’s data is impressive and highlights above all the more than 1,500 infections in the Santiago area and the more than 1,000 in A Coruña. The incidence at 14 days reaches a new maximum with 1,282, and the incidence at 7 days rises to 907. The percentage of positive PCR tests reaches a new maximum, 32.82%. Almost one in three tests that are done is positive.
The hospital situation worsens compared to yesterday, with 9 more admitted to the ward (from 262 to 271) but 1 less in the ICU (from 51 to 50), making the total rise by 8, from 313 to 321. That’s 38 more hospital patients than a week ago, but the same number of ICU patients.
By health areas, today Santiago stands out with 1,503 infections and A Coruña with 1,045. All health areas reach a new maximum of infections in one day except Vigo (low from 1,049 to 983). The city of Santiago de Compostela its incidence has increased from one day to the next by 331 points.
These are the most relevant data today:
- The number of 5,718 new cases increases by 3,455 compared to 2,263 last Tuesday, 152.7% more.
- Active cases rise to 36,909, an increase of 4,802 infected.
- The number of hospitalized people rises from 313 to 321, 48 more than a week ago.
- The incidence at 14 days rises 167 points to 1,282 and the incidence at 7 days rises 128 points to 907 cases per 100,000 inhabitantsboth highs of the pandemic.
today thursday more diagnoses are registered than the 2,263 of Thursday, December 23. Today’s 5,718 new cases are the 32,82% of positive diagnoses of 17,417 PCR tests, while last Thursday’s 2,263 were 18.42% of positives of 12,284 tests.
On the Sergas data website it says that in the last 24 hours 5,662 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed by PCR, and the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (239,218) and yesterday ( today (233,500) is 5,718 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.
In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 5,718 new cases of SARS-CoV-2, 3 deaths and 913 discharges, which makes The cases of coronavirus rise by 4,802 people, going from 32,107 yesterday to 36,909 today.
The total of hospitalized rises from 313 to 321. Last Thursday there were 273 hospitalized, 48 less than today. The total number of coronavirus cases recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 239,218.
Evolution of the number of infections and active cases
New confirmed cases in the last 14 days
Infections and active cases by health area
Active cases by health area
- A Coruna: 6,638 (+894)
- Ferrol: 2,141 (+291)
- Lugo: 3,149 (+551)
- Ourense: 3,905 (+498)
- Pontevedra: 4,993 (+486)
- Santiago: 6.738 (+1.431)
- Vigo: 9.345 (+651)
- Total: 36.909 (+4.802)
New infections by health area
- A Coruna: 1,045 (+125)
- Ferrol: 315 (+52)
- Lugo: 619 (+232)
- Ourense: 622 (+140)
- Pontevedra: 631 (+136)
- Santiago: 1.503 (+530)
- Vigo: 983 (-66)
Incidence by Galician city
- A Coruna: 1,170 (+158)
- Ferrol: 1,234 (+138)
- Lugo: 1,218 (+210)
- Ourense: 1,615 (+194)
- Pontevedra: 2,178 (+182)
- Santiago: 1.559 (+331)
- Vigo: 1.468 (+109)
More than 50 infections in the last 7 days
- Vigo 2 848
- A Coruna 2 102
- Pontevedra 1 148
- Ourense 1 147
- Santiago de Compostela 1 110
- Lugo 852
- Ferrol 629
- Ames 426
- Narón 377
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 358
- Ribeira 344
- Fog 341
- Culleredo 334
- Potters 287
- Marin 285
- Redondela 265
- O Porriño 263
- Bayonne 261
- Cangas 259
- A Laracha 251
- Girl 236
- Nigrán 236
- Arteixo 230
- Cambre 228
- the road 209
- Ponteareas 201
- Monforte de Lemos 200
- Gondomar 200
- Carballo 199
- Moaña 186
- The Boat of Valdeorras 178
- Teo 172
- Cambados 164
- Brión 162
- Tui 153
- walls 151
- Poio 146
- Porto do Son 142
- O Carballiño 142
- Vilalba 141
- A Pobra do Caramiñal 135
- Rianxo 134
- Sanxenxo 131
- Lalín 127
- Mos 125
- Orders 106
- Tomiño 102
- Salceda de Caselas 100
- Betanzos 97
- Now 97
- Bueu 96
- Barbadás 95
- Verín 93
- Negreira 91
- Santa Comba 91
- Sarria 91
- Nursery 90
- Fene 88
- Register 83
- Caldas de Reis 81
- O Grove 80
- Cee 78
- Vilanova de Arousa 78
- Oroso 77
- The Bridges of García Rodríguez 77
- A Look 77
- Salvaterra de Miño 70
- Burela 68
- A Cañiza 68
- Vilaboa 65
- Valdoviño 63
- Pontedeume 61
- Ribadavia 57
- Ribadeo 56
- The Rosal 56
- Arousa Island 54
- Rois 53
- Xinzo de Limia 51
More than 50 infections in the last 14 days
- Vigo 4 337
- A Coruna 2 876
- Pontevedra 1 808
- Ourense 1 699
- Santiago de Compostela 1 516
- Lugo 1 197
- Ferrol 815
- Ames 612
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 494
- Narón 478
- Cangas 444
- Potters 436
- Redondela 426
- Culleredo 421
- Ribeira 419
- Fog 416
- O Porriño 413
- Bayonne 387
- Marin 382
- Nigrán 345
- Ponteareas 330
- Moaña 324
- Cambre 323
- Arteixo 306
- Gondomar 305
- A Laracha 296
- Girl 287
- the road 287
- The Boat of Valdeorras 282
- Carballo 280
- Monforte de Lemos 266
- Tui 246
- Brión 242
- Poio 232
- Cambados 229
- Teo 227
- O Carballiño 207
- Mos 194
- Lalín 184
- Sanxenxo 184
- Bueu 173
- walls 170
- Vilalba 166
- Porto do Son 158
- Rianxo 158
- A Pobra do Caramiñal 154
- Now 153
- Salceda de Caselas 149
- Verín 148
- Tomiño 145
- Salvaterra de Miño 137
- Barbadás 135
- Orders 128
- A Watch 120
- Caldas de Reis 117
- Betanzos 116
- Santa Comba 116
- Oroso 111
- Cee 109
- Nursery 109
- Negreira 107
- Vilaboa 105
- Fene 102
- Sarria 101
- O Grove 98
- Vilanova de Arousa 98
- Register 97
- The Rosal 92
- The Bridges of García Rodríguez 91
- Burela 85
- Pontedeume 84
- A Cañiza 84
- Valdoviño 76
- Xinzo de Limia 76
- Ribadavia 76
- Soutomaior 75
- Ribadeo 73
- Chantada 72
- Fisterra 67
- Vimianzo 67
- Silleda 63
- Arousa Island 63
- Ares 62
- Rois 62
- Melide 59
- Outes 59
- Vedra 58
- Oia 58
- 57th Street
- My friends 57
- Vila de Cruces 57
- San Cibrao das Viñas 56
- Coles 52
- Ribadumia 52
- Bergondo 51
- Cedeira 50
- Celanova 50
- Porto do Son 120
- A Pobra do Caramiñal 111
Data by health areas
A Coruna
- Active cases: 6,638 (+894)
- Contagions: 1,045 (+125)
- Average infections last 3 days: 844 (+207)
- Average infections last 7 days: 638 (+91)
- Hospitalized floor: 57 (=)
- UCI hospitalizations: 8 (=)
- Active cases: 2,141 (+291)
- Contagions: 315 (+52)
- Average infections last 3 days: 274 (+44)
- Average infections last 7 days: 226 (+23)
- Hospitalized floor: 12 (-1)
- UCI hospitalizations: 2 (=)
- Active cases: 3,149 (+551)
- Contagions: 619 (+232)
- Average infections last 3 days: 411 (+146)
- Average infections last 7 days: 317 (+60)
- Hospitalized floor: 15 (+3)
- UCI hospitalizations: 5 (=)
- Active cases: 3,905 (+498)
- Contagions: 622 (+140)
- Average infections last 3 days: 509 (+161)
- Average infections last 7 days: 359 (+52)
- Hospitalized floor: 44 (+6)
- UCI hospitalizations: 7 (=)
- Active cases: 4,993 (+486)
- Contagions: 631 (+136)
- Average infections last 3 days: 546 (+72)
- Average infections last 7 days: 484 (+53)
- Hospitalized floor: 38 (+1)
- UCI hospitalizations: 10 (=)
- Active cases: 6,738 (+1,431)
- Contagions: 1,503 (+530)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,043 (+383)
- Average infections last 7 days: 702 (+163)
- Hospitalized floor: 39 (+5)
- UCI hospitalizations: 4 (-1)
- Active cases: 9,345 (+651)
- Contagions: 983 (-66)
- Average infections last 3 days: 958 (+112)
- Average infections last 7 days: 814 (+65)
- Hospitalized floor: 66 (-5)
- UCI hospitalizations: 14 (=)
Deaths and weekly evolution
The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 2,760 people, with 3 new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,141 since the new normality, exceeding the 619 of the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 321 (+8), divided into 50 (-1) in the ICU and 271 (+9) in hospitalization units. The total of PCR tests carried out is 3,293,449, of which 17,417 in the last 24 hours, with 32.82% positive.
The week continues much worse than the previous one: the new cases from Monday to Thursday total 16,105, 157% more than the 6,266 last week. Last weeks have ended with 14,665, 8,158, 6,259, 4,970, 2,979, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668, 1,138, 1,995, 3,317, 4,157, 5,273, 5,273 9,090, 7,085, 2,991, 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,498, 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 infections respectively.