likewise, the new moratoriumcontinues to protect 90% of theUS population isscheduled to end on 3October.yisel: as parents, one of thebig concerns is thetaking care of our organization andcolumbia universityconcluded an investigationwhich showed that 52% ofNew York families don’t haveaccess to this service.Hispanics is one of theaffected intomas.doris toribio explains to us made aresearch on carechild for familiesNew Yorkers smear whatThey found it was very of the affected wings areThe latinos.dori: we found that 31% ofLatinos use thisservice compared towhite families whothey use them at 39%.access to servicesaffordable child care andhigh quality have effectspositive for children, in theirwell-being and your preparation forschool, their mobilitylong-term economics.yisel: songs parentsinterview you forconduct this study?>> 1500 families in new york.we focus on familieslow-income,that access to carechild affects the ability toparents to go to work andHow does it affect the development ofthe children.yisel: this has an impactdirect from the cooperationeconomy in new york.>> 30% of parentsexperienced an outagethat hampered their progresslabor.lost wages or income forhave to misswork, reduce your hours orthey turned down a promotion. theanalysis revealed that you areinterruptions costapproximately 1.28,000 ofnew york due toabsences and rotationswork related to thechildcare.yisel: you presentedsome solutions, cals arethose solutions?>> that the government provideto care assistancechild to families.yisel: calles were thecounties affected?>> in collins they have thepercentage to high, aneighborhood that do not havechildish. for this it was 77% andin Manhattan, 64%. there are someplaces in new york thatthey have those services. inqueens is worse than in