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50 years of women’s suffrage in Switzerland: portrait of Andrée Valentin

In 1968 Andrée Valentin outraged the old women’s suffrage movement with an incendiary speech in the Zurich Schauspielhaus. Today the 76-year-old realizes that there is still no equality in Switzerland.

In 1968 Andrée Valentin founded the women’s liberation movement (FBB) together with other young Swiss women. Her goal was, among other things, to obtain women’s voting rights in Switzerland.

Illustration Anja Lemcke / Fotovorlage Keystone

The older women who met their husbands at the Zurich Schauspielhaus on November 10, 1968, are satisfied with themselves. The Tonhalle orchestra is playing, and a member of the government congratulates on the stage: the Zurich women’s suffrage association has been in existence for 75 years. Sure, we haven’t yet achieved what the association was founded for all those years ago – women’s right to vote and vote at national and cantonal level. Nevertheless, one should be proud, the ladies say, and the councilor certifies. But the joy is suddenly interrupted.

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