“As the Chamber of Deputies we must understand that we have to build a democratic country and a country that respects human rights, where the atrocities that occurred during the military dictatorship are never committed again,” said Daniel Manouchehri, head of the Bench of Deputies and Deputies PS.
The Chamber of Deputies and Deputies approved the request of ruling party parliamentarians to pay homage to President Salvador Allende on September 11, within the framework of the 50th anniversary of the Coup d’état.
“We have requested the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies to pay homage to President Salvador Allende and to all the victims of the dictatorship on September 11. We believe that the Chamber of Deputies must also have a space to reflect on the importance of democracy in our country and the unrestricted respect for human rights,” said Daniel Manouchehri, head of the PS bench and promoter of the special session. .
Along these lines, Manouchehri stressed that “this Corporation still has detained-disappeared parliamentarians. This Corporation was closed for 17 years and we believe that in such an important and significant commemoration for our country we cannot be absent from this debate, not only from the perspective of the past, but from the perspective of understanding that we have to build a democratic country. and a country that respects human rights, where the atrocities that occurred during the military dictatorship are never committed again.”
Regarding the spirit of this instance, the legislator for the Coquimbo Region stated that it will be a space for reflection for all political sectors, recalling that the left carried out its process of self-criticism in its role during the dictatorship and the Popular Unity. However, “in Chile there has not been a self-criticism on the part of the right and we believe that also on the part of a sector of the Christian Democrats there has not been a self-criticism of the role played at that time either. We believe that this can also be an opportunity, not to cover up the past, but to be able to look at the mistakes that were made before,” he added.
Request of all the officialism
Regarding the letter to the president of the Chamber, the deputy for Social Convergence, Emilia Schneider, indicated that “a clear signal of reflection must be given, of commitment to democracy, in times when there are sectors of the ultra-right that question those basic assumptions of democratic and civilized coexistence in our country.
“From the ruling party, from the forces of change, we are very clear. There is no possibility of justifying a coup or Human Rights violations and those who say that the Popular Unity generated the coup are wrong, because before President Allende set foot in La Moneda, there were already foreign influences, of the great fortunes of our country and, by the way, of the Chilean right, trying to prevent him from governing, trying to boycott a democratically elected government,” he added.
The head of the Communist Party bench, Luis Cuello, specified that “this would be the first time, after more than 30 years of post-dictatorship, in which homage is paid to a democratic president who also gave his life for Chileans, gave his life for the Chilean people and died in La Moneda in the middle of a coup d’état”.
In this sense, the socialist deputy Jaime Naranjo indicated that, as an official party, “we hope that there will be unanimity on the part of all the benches in Congress. We do this instance to value democracy, to reject coups, to claim the names of parliamentarians who are still detained and disappeared. Like the communist deputy Vicente Atencio, like the socialist deputy Carlos Lorca. In homage to them and to this institution that should never disappear”.