History is a science that studies the temporal unfolding of the human spirit and is made up of various schools and different areas of expertise, each seeking historical truth through uninterrupted academic dialogue.

No author or generation has the absolute truth, but they are all moved by the search for historical truth. The flow of history is the living transmission of tradition, which occurs verbally from grandparents to parents, from parents to children, and from children to grandchildren.

However, today, in the guidelines that the Government has delivered through MINEDUC, we parents appear as potential enemies and oppressors of our children and we are placed under the quasi-police gaze of a supposedly neutral State. This means a break, an artificial break in the spontaneous flow of history and irreparable damage to children.

The historical evolution continues its course and overflows any attempt at political manipulation. But while the experiment lasts, the damage to children will be enormous.

Felipe Varela

President My Right to Educate