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50 Unique Facts About Neptune: From the Farthest Planet to the Great Dark Spot

TribunJogja.com – Neptune is in the outer Solar System, spinning on its own in the dark.

This ice giant is composed of hydrogen, helium and methane.

Neptune, famous for its blue color, frigid temperatures and fierce winds, is still shrouded in mystery.

Here are 50 unique facts about Neptune that not many people know:

1. Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System.

2. The planet is named after the god of the sea in Roman mythology.

3. Neptune has more than 14 times the mass of Earth.

4. Neptune’s rotation speed is very fast, so a day there only lasts about 16 hours.

5. Neptune has a ring system, although the rings are very weak and hard to see.

6. The sun looks like an ordinary star from Neptune, only brighter than a night star on Earth.

7. Neptune has a very thick atmosphere, consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium.

8. The blue color in Neptune’s atmosphere is due to methane absorbing red light and reflecting blue light.

9. The wind speed on Neptune is the highest in the Solar System, reaching speeds of 1,600 kilometers per hour.

10. Neptune has a number of major storms, one of which is known as the “Great Dark Spot.”

2023-09-02 05:48:37
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