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50 Percent of Child Covid-19 Cases Occur in Toddlers

SURABAYA – The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) noted that as of June 2021, it showed that the number of children who were positive for Covid-19 in Indonesia was 250,000. Child deaths from this epidemic reached 1.2 percent of the total.

In East Java, IDAI recorded that 30 children died as a result of Covid-19 exposure. The average child exposed to the virus is less than five years old.

“50 percent of them are children less than five years old (toddlers). The rest who were exposed and died were caused by comorbidities,” said the Chairman of IDAI East Java, dr. Sjamsul Arief.

Meanwhile, children who died due to comorbid on average had comorbidities such as tuberculosis, HIV which was transmitted from their mother, and some had chronic brain disorders.

Sjamsul also explained, per week there was at least an increase in suspects from 303 children to 4,794, while those confirmed were 3,876 or an increase of 168 children. Although there are many cases of transmission to children, Sjamsul assessed that so far it is rare for children who are exposed to experience moderate to severe symptoms.

With this in mind, his party also called for the temporary postponement of face-to-face school activities, so that the number of Covid-19 cases exposed to children would also decrease.

Meanwhile, the Lecturer of the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Health (FK) Unair Dr. Retno Asih Setyoningrum explained some of the symptoms of Covid-19 in children that parents need to pay attention to. “The symptoms range from mild to severe. It depends on the phase of illness experienced, previous health conditions, the presence of comorbidities, and other congenital diseases,” said Retno.

Retno said that one of the most common symptoms was fever. Meanwhile, other symptoms are acute respiratory infections such as cough, runny nose, to shortness of breath. “There are also those who do not have specific respiratory tract symptoms but are exposed. There are other symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea,” explained Retno

So how do you handle it if your child is exposed to Covid-19? Retno emphasized that it depends on the degree of pain. In certain cases it can be done by self-isolation. But there are some conditions that must be met. For example, if a child is asymptomatic, it can be done by coughing etiquette, monitoring symptoms, or doing body checks twice a day, morning and night. “Don’t forget that if you are isoman, you should be in a room that has air ducts so that there is circulation. Tools that must be provided at home when children are exposed to Covid-19 are thermometers and oximeters,” he continued.

Retno added, it is also necessary to prepare several medicines such as fever medicine, vitamin C 400 mg per day for children aged 4-8 years, while for children aged 9-13 years a maximum of 1,200 mg per day. Then, for children aged 14-18 years a maximum of 1,800 mg per day. Furthermore, also provide zinc 20 mg per day given for 14 days isoman.

“Don’t forget that vitamin D3 for children less than three years old is 400 IU per day, while for children over three years old it is 1000 IU per day. Teenagers 2000 IU per day, while for adolescents who are obese 5000 IU per day,” he explained.

He reminded, if there are complaints in children, parents must also understand the symptoms, for example, the child sleeps a lot, breathes fast, there is a hollow in the chest and nose that rises and falls or oxygen saturation is less than 95 percent. “Then red eyes, there is a rash, swollen neck, fever for more than seven days, can’t eat and drink, sunken eyes, reduced urination, and a decrease in consciousness as well as being rushed to the hospital,” he concluded. (gin/nur)

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