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5 ways to work smarter

Apple promised at the announcement of the Apple Watch that our lives would become a lot more productive. Reminders, Siri, apps and other features let you keep control of your daily activities without the need for an iPhone or computer. Are you still unsure about the purchase of an Apple Watch and do you need arguments to convince yourself (or your partner)? Then take a look at these features on the Apple Watch that make you more productive.

# 1 Keep iPhone in your pocket

You just have to turn your wrist to see why you are getting a notification. Then you can immediately continue with your life and you will not be distracted by all kinds of other apps. The Apple Watch contains few apps that are real time-slurpers and you are therefore less tempted. Thus, the Apple Watch sure you can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Are you looking at you continuously? iPhone for every notification? Well, through the Apple Watch you do that less often. You will become more critical of whether the notification on your Apple Watch well worth your attention. Then you can continue working. Do you still want to respond quickly? You can do that with a few shortcuts, but you don’t stay chatting for hours because the interface doesn’t work very well at all. And that’s a good thing (see # 2).

WhatsApp notification on Apple Watch

The notifications are a basic feature for the Apple Watch, but bring for productive iOSusers bring many new interactions. With the Apple Watch, every notification is within your field of vision and you can judge what to do with it in a very short time. If you do not want notifications for a while, you can also use the Apple Watch on Do Not Disturb put.

# 2 Record everything with Siri

You don’t have to type in new text messages, reminders or a new appointment on the tiny screen of the Apple Watch. In fact, it is not even possible. You are required to use Siri’s speech recognition, which by the way simply works in Dutch.

It ensures that you can quickly jot down an idea on the Apple Watch, without having to reach for the iPhone. Eventually, you will get the iPhone Only use it for longer texts and complex information that you want to enter, while for a quick action you only need the Apple Watch with Siri. Do you want to quickly look up something on the internet? Even then you can consult Siri.

Search for Siri on Apple Watch on the web.Search for Siri on Apple Watch on the web.

You will find yourself with Siri can perform actions faster and faster. Set a timer or an alarm, or calculate something? That is faster with Siri than in any other way.

# 3 Subtle memories

The memories that the Apple Watch gives are much more subtle than those of the iPhone. The vibrations and sounds of the iPhone can be very disturbing during a meeting or when you are working with others. The Apple Watch taps your wrist, so that you notice that something is wrong, but other people are not. Ideal if, for example, you are waiting for an email during a busy meeting and want to handle it discreetly. If you don’t want the screen to light up, you can also choose the Theatermodus.

Theater mode on the Apple Watch.Theater mode on the Apple Watch.

# 4 Apps only provide the necessary
From Glances on the Apple Watch, with which you could quickly glance at the news or the weather, no longer exist. But since watchOS 3 that is no longer necessary, because the apps on the Apple Watch have become so fast that you can easily open them.

Developers are increasingly aware of what functionality people expect from an Apple Watch app. The apps often only contain the basic functionality, so that you can consult everything quickly. Via the Dock on your Apple Watch you have quick access to your recent or favorite apps. You open the Dock by pressing the button under the Digital Crown.

Apple Watch DockApple Watch Dock

# 5 Getting up every now and then
You might not think about it at first, but one health function of the Apple Watch can help you focus more on your work. You will because a few times a day standing notifications on your Apple Watch. This makes it clear to get up and walk. In this way, the Apple Watch prevents you from hitting your keyboard for hours on end.

That may not seem like a very productive approach, but it allows you to disconnect from work for a while and then concentrate better. By pausing and moving now and then you are not constantly doing the same thing. In addition, it is important to keep moving well during a desk job.

Standing notification on the Apple WatchStanding notification on the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is also ideal for learning healthy habits, such as a more active lifestyle and paying more attention to signals from your body, such as an irregular heartbeat. In the article below you can read how the Apple Watch will improve your health.

Are you convinced and do you want one now Buy Apple Watch? Take a look in the overview below which models we currently recommend!

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