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“5 Ways to Manage Money the Chinese Way and Avoid Online Loan Debt”

Needs that are increasingly inflated with finances that are always minus often make people choose to borrow money online (online loans). However, this habit cannot be cultivated. The risk is quite big. Instead of meeting the needs, the debt actually skyrocketed.

Finances will remain stable and safe as long as we know how to manage the money. But the problem is, do they know what steps to take? Let’s take an example of the Chinese who are always successful and wallow in wealth and avoid loan debt (online loans).

What the heck Chinese secrets in managing their finances? Turns out they have goal and aware of investment from an early age to implement a simple life.

For complete details, let’s see 5 ways to manage money the Chinese way so that we are not in debt and wealth is quickly collected.

1. Investing Income

Setting aside earnings to invest/Photo: pexels.com/RDNE Stock project

When you receive a salary, do you choose to set aside a certain percentage of your salary first to invest or only later when the money is still left? Which type of beauties are these?

If you’re still investing when you have money left, change that habit. In order to be financially free when we are old, we must invest early. One of them is by setting a target, namely investing a certain percentage of the total salary received each month.

Regarding what percentage the Beauties can arrange according to the salary and needs that must be borne.

Judging from the way the Chinese invest their money, they set aside 50 percent of their money. Refer page CGTN, the Chinese prefer to save half their income for future use, such as buying a house, raising children, or paying for medical services.

2. Distinguishing Wants and Needs

want’ or ‘need’/Photo: pexels.com/Cottonbro Studio” data-id=”267632″ />
Get used to shopping by emphasizing the sense of ‘want’ or ‘need’/Photo: pexels.com/Cottonbro Studio

When you see your favorite brand launching a new product, not a handful of people want to buy it. Is Beauties one of them? What are the reasons to buy it?

IFEC (Investment and Financial Education Council) stated that one of the Chinese people’s tips in managing money is to differentiate taste ‘want to’ and ‘need’.

Sometimes we often buy something without seeing it ‘want to’ or ‘need’. In fact, we want it so much, we make our own statements that make excuses ‘want to’ become ‘need’. Ironic huh!

It’s okay to buy the things we want, but it would be nice for us to reconsider whether it is something that is very important and needed at this time. In addition, see how the conditions and goal your finances. Don’t make a wrong move, be happy at the beginning of being miserable in front of him.

3. Simple and Frugal Living

The Chinese manage their finances by thrifty, not spree/Photo: pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio

Among us, the Chinese are synonymous with character ‘games’. How come? Actually if we get to know them better, they are not as bad as we think.

Instead of spending money on spree or buying goods for momentary gratification, the Chinese prefer to just save. It’s nothing, they just think more about how their life will be in 5-10 years when he doesn’t have any investment.

As a result, their lifestyle is simple. Not too tempted stuff branded and more able to suppress the ego and lust. Looking simple doesn’t mean you don’t have wealth, right?


2023-05-19 14:00:39
#Ways #Manage #Money #Chinese #Style #Wealth #Collected #Loan #Debt

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