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5 ways to know if your content marketing ideas will work – EzAnime.net

When you’re brainstorming content marketing ideas and the creative juices are flowing, it’s easy to get carried away. Before you know it, you’re pitching ideas about cats in tuxedos and wondering if there’s room in your video budget for a Michael Bay-style bang. And while that all sounds great in the room, those ideas may not get you the results you really want.

The best marketing ideas serve both the people you are trying to reach and your content strategy. If your great idea doesn’t do both, it might not be so great after all.

How to know if you have a good content marketing idea

The secret to creating quality and consistent content is to examine your content marketing ideas to make sure they are aligned with your broader goals. Next time a lightbulb goes out, ask yourself these 5 questions to find out whether you need to move on or get back to where you started.

1) Will your audience be interested?

Just because you think something is interesting doesn’t mean your audience will. Ultimately, you are trying to connect with people through content, show that you understand who they are, and show that you are there to improve their lives. Whether you’re educating, entertaining, or inspiring them, identify exactly how your idea will respond to their wants and needs.

Focus on value. Teach them something. Be human. People want to interact with people, not faceless corporations.

2) Can you effectively distribute yourself to reach them?

In an ideal world, people would magically stumble upon your content and become an instant fan. You actually have to do the field work to make sure they see it. That means identifying the channels that will help you reach them and tailoring content for those channels.

Know your channels from the start. Distribution can influence the way you create your content, so it’s important to know where this content will live before bringing the concept to life.Choose the correct format for the channel. Different channels are better suited to different types of content (for example, Instagram for photos or LinkedIn for longer opinion pieces). Consider which presentation might work best for your particular content idea.Know how you are going to measure success. You won’t know how good your idea really was if you can’t measure its impact.

3) Does it align with your engagement goals?

A good idea connects with your audience, but a great content marketing idea inspires them to take action. The long-term goal is to turn people into customers for life, but they must take the first step. If the story you’re telling doesn’t offer a clear next step, it’s probably not worth telling.

Deliver the correct message. The right marketing ideas support your brand benefits or key messages.Say the right thing at the right time. Map out your buyer’s journey to ensure your content takes them to the next stage smoothly.Engage people at different points of contact. Find out how a divisible content strategy helps you repurpose assets across channels to maximize your content reach.

Note: Unique content will not be as effective as a strategic campaign.

4) How is this an original idea?

It’s easy to mimic what you’re used to seeing, but the most effective content provides something unique or different to your audience. That doesn’t mean you have to be a visionary; There are many ways to put an original spin on an old topic or to come up with interesting new ideas.

Dig into your data. Proprietary data is a great way to translate your unique insights into engaging content. Whether you’re sharing surprising findings or debunking myths, there are all kinds of stories hidden in your spreadsheets.Try something new. Experiment with a new format or layout style to mix it up.Survey your customers. Talking directly to your customers about their challenges can inspire new content ideas. You can identify a content gap to fill, or even turn your survey results into an interesting industry report (which might even get you covered in an industry publication).

5) Does it fit your brand?

Just because another cool brand is doing something doesn’t mean it will translate to your brand. Likewise, just because something is trending in the news doesn’t mean you should get on it. Good content marketing ideas are a natural extension of your brand.

Consider your experience. On what topics do you have the authority and credibility to speak? What unique ideas can you share? How can you contribute to the conversation?Consider your resources. Is this idea something that you can run and execute well? If you can’t, it will only damage your credibility. It is always better to create something smaller (quality) than something half large.

Remember: good branded content reflects the brand in voice, personality, and visual identity. To make sure your branding is applied consistently, put together strong branding guidelines (or even a content checklist) to make sure your content is consistent and consistent.

Don’t be complacent

Above all, the key to good content marketing is experimentation and iteration. The more you try, the more you will learn and the better your results will be. Just stay focused and continue educating yourself on best practices. In the meantime, here are some final tips to help you get the best results from your work.

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