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5 ways to eat ‘calories ↓ nutrition ↑’ salad healthier

A plate of fresh and crunchy salad is a representative menu that is good for health. Fresh vegetables contain a variety of nutrients, including rich vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. The most important thing is to eat a healthy salad ingredients and seasoningespecially salt, sugar, fat, etc. calorieshould pay attention to Learn how to eat a healthier salad.

◆ Dark green leafy vegetables are perfect for healthy salads

Dark green leafy vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals. [사진= 클립아트코리아]

Lettuce is the most commonly used vegetable in salads. However, dark leafy greens contain more vitamins and minerals than lettuce. Spinach, kale, etc. they help strengthen the immune system. vitamins A and Cof lettuce 10 times moreto be. To add flavour, aroma, texture, colour, etc. Carrots, Cucumbers, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Onions, Peppers etc. can be used in various ways.

◆ Nuts and seeds, healthy salad dressings

There are ways to add dressings to your salad to make it richer and healthier. Nuts and seeds are toppings that provide protein, dietary fiber, and healthy fats.to be. You can put cheese on as a topping, which helps with calcium intake, but use it in moderation considering the calories and sodium content. When using dried fruits, use those that are not pickled in sugar, and also watch out for calories.

◆ Use boiled or grilled chicken and seafood

[사진= 클립아트코리아]

You can use fried chicken for a delicious salad, but it’s not a good idea if you’re on a diet or improving your health. Whether the purpose of eating salad is for weight control or health, feel free to give up on crispy fried ingredients. Ingredients with this consistency are easy to grease first.

Boil or grill chicken or seafood and add them to salads. If you eat it, it becomes a healthy salad that can consume protein and prevent hunger. Protein takes longer to digest, so you feel full longer. If you boil or bake chicken breast, salmon, shrimp, etc., the taste harmony with the salad is also good.

◆ Thousand Island seasoning, high-calorie problem

Thousand Island dressing is better than you think High in sodium and saturated fat. It is the most common condiment that can be easily identified by looking at the apricot color of the thick condiment. It is a condiment made from mayonnaise, tomato ketchup and chopped vegetables such as parsley and pickles. high in calories. If you eat salad for weight control, avoiding it is effective.

◆ Using healthy olive oil and vinegar

[사진= 클립아트코리아]

What healthy dressings can you add to your salad? It contains unsaturated fatty acids which are good for heart health Olive Oil, Balsamic or Red Wine Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Lime Juice Add back and you have a healthy salad. If you want to add some flavor here, add some mustard or honey, or just sprinkle some salt and pepper to finish.

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