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5 Tips to Prevent Dry Skin in Winter: Advice from Dermatologists

Do you notice that your skin is starting to tighten or itch a lot? That’s not surprising in winter. Many people now suffer from dry skin. Here’s what you can do about it.

When it gets colder outside and warmer inside, you may suffer from dry skin. “That has to do with the colder air,” says Marjolein Leenarts, dermatologist at the Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk and founder of a skin care brand.

“Oxygen consists of moisture particles. In the summer the air is full of it and you will notice that everything feels clammy. With cold air the opposite happens and the air is drier. This has a direct effect on your skin. “

And if you turn up the heating, the air becomes even drier. “Therefore always place a bowl of water near your heating,” Leenarts tips. “This way you put some extra evaporated moisture back into the air.”

Sebaceous glands are less interested in working in winter

“Your skin is also drier in winter because your sebaceous glands work less hard,” says Leenarts. Sebaceous glands ensure that your skin remains oily. “It helps to regularly lubricate your skin with a neutral basic cream or ointment,” says dermatologist Satish Lubeek at Radboud University Medical Center. “This can prevent problems such as itching and dehydration.”

You can also simply apply body creams to your face.

Marjolein Leenarts, dermatologist

But that does depend on the type of cream or ointment you apply. Leenarts: “You may be familiar with the phenomenon of the nice-smelling body lotion? You apply it, but soon afterwards it seems as if you haven’t applied anything. That doesn’t help. Choose creams with substances such as Vaseline, glycerine, urea or lipids. And know that you can also simply apply these body creams to your face.”

Your skin does not become lazy from applying it. And your skin cannot become addicted to it, Leenarts reassures. “That’s a fable.” What it does do is strengthen your skin barrier, so you lose less moisture. “You may be using the wrong cream, which could cause your lips to dry out, for example.”

Taking a long hot shower is not a good idea

With the lower temperatures it is extra nice to stay under the warm shower. But it’s better not to do that, Lubeek knows. “Also, use soap sparingly: it dries out your skin even further,” he says.

“It affects the protective oily layer on your skin,” adds Leenarts. “After a shower, the water evaporates from your body and strips your skin of moisture. Therefore, try to shower for as short a time as possible and, above all, not too hot and too often,” the dermatologist advises.

So apply good sunscreen after showering. “Discipline is important for protecting your skin, especially in winter. Make it part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.”

2023-12-29 04:06:49
#creams #work #dry #skin #NU.nl

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