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5 Tips to Overcome Fungus in Goldfish, One of which is to separate sick fish from healthy fish

Bobo.id – Do you raise fish at home?

Currently, raising fish is an activity carried out by many people, such as raising betta fish, goldfish, or koi fish.

So, if we raise fish, of course we must always pay attention to their health.

Because, fish can experience illness which of course will affect their health.

Example, goldfish may experience pain, that is, growth mushrooms in the body of the fish, which it could even make goldfish die.

But take it easy, friends, because mushrooms on goldfish can be removed in the following easy ways:

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Causes of Fungus in Goldfish

Before knowing how to deal with fungus in goldfish, we must first know what causes the appearance of fungus in carp, here.

The fungus that appears on the body of this goldfish can actually be caused by several diseases.

Like cotton disease, disease egg fungus, disease gill rot or rotting gills, to disease white spot.

These various diseases can cause fungus in fish, with different forms of the fungus.

There are mushrooms that are shaped like lumps of cotton, but some are shaped like white dots.

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Easy Ways to Eliminate Mushrooms in Goldfish

To get rid of fungus in goldfish, there are several ways you can do it, here.

1. Separate Sick Fish

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MaxPixel’s contributors

Illustration of goldfish in a pond

The first way is to separate fish that look sick from fish that are still healthy.

The separation between sick fish and healthy fish is done to prevent disease transmission.

Separate sick fish from healthy fish until the fish infected with the fungus have completely healed.

In addition, also clean the pond or aquarium where friends keep fish, and replace the water with new water.

A clean pond or aquarium can prevent mold development.

2. Give the Right Food

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Giving proper food to sick fish is also important in the treatment of fungus in the body of goldfish.

The right and quality food will help the goldfish treat the fungus in its body.

The right diet also helps fish to be healthier and can fight fungal infections that occur in their bodies.

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3. Give antifungal drugs

Giving antifungal drugs is also a way that must be done to get rid of fungus on the body of goldfish.

Usually, this antifungal drug is sufficiently dissolved in pond water or aquarium water where we keep goldfish.

This anti-fungal medication can help your fish recover from a yeast infection, or prevent yeast from developing.

4. Pay attention to water temperature

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Keeping fish in an aquarium

MaxPixel’s contributors

Keeping fish in an aquarium

In addition to good water circulation, the water temperature in the pond or aquarium also has an effect on the treatment of fungal infections in goldfish.

Make sure the aquarium or pond has water with a stable temperature and a warm temperature.

In fact, the temperature of warm pond or aquarium water can help fish recover from fungal infections.

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5. Keep Pond Water or Aquarium Clean

The last way to get rid of fungus on the body of goldfish is to always pay attention to and maintain the cleanliness of the pond or aquarium water.

Make sure the pond or aquarium is always protected from various trash or items that can cause fish to become sick.

Because the cleanliness of pond or aquarium water is something that must always be considered so that fish are protected from various diseases, including fungal infections.

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