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5 Tips for Overcoming Fear and Ensuring Safety When Traveling with a Newborn

With the arrival of summer the vacation period begins. A period where people move to take advantage of a few days off. Many of these people have just ‘welcomed’ a new member into their families and, on occasion, are reluctant to move for fear that something will happen to their newborn.

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here they go 5 tips to get rid of that fear and insecurities when taking the car with our babies:

1. Dress your baby in light and breathable clothing, that does not squeeze or cause discomfort, so you will travel more at ease. In addition, bring diapers and wet wipes to keep him clean, because his diaper will probably have to be changed during the trip. Also, don’t forget a big blanket so he can stretch out when you stop to rest.

2. Use sunshades on your car windows to prevent the sun from bothering your baby, either due to heat or light, since cars on a long trip tend to overheat. It is vital to maintain optimal temperature conditions for the safety and comfort of the baby.

3. Be sure to include your baby’s favorite items in your luggage. Most children have a special attachment to a particular toy or blanket that they use every day. Therefore, do not forget to have it on hand to prevent your baby from missing it or missing it. In this way, the parents make her feel at home and the situation, despite being in the car, seems familiar to her.

4. Adjust and plan the trip to your baby’s schedules. Taking advantage of the time when your baby is resting or after bathing to go on a trip is a very smart way to make it less heavy and shorter for him. In this way, a greater number of kilometers of rest is guaranteed, without it being necessary to make stops to feed him or change his diaper.

5. The last and most important thing, the chair. To guarantee the best protection for your baby, it is essential to have adequate support, since, in addition to facilitating their comfort, having the safe car seat reduces injuries by up to 90% that children can suffer during a road accident.

Fuente: Recaro Kids

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2023-06-29 16:04:14
#tips #baby #comfortable #safe #summer #trips

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