TIME.CO, Jakarta One way to maintain health and keep the ideal body is to follow a diet plan but it should not be negligent especially if you have a history of some diseases like diabetes.
Dietary patterns who have a history of diabetes
Diabetes is a disease with high blood sugar levels in the body. Diabetics must always monitor and control the blood sugar levels in the body. From various sources, in order to control blood sugar levels, diabetics must have a healthy diet and start living a healthy life, with an eating pattern as follows:
1. Breakfast
Quoting from promkes.kemkes.go.id, breakfast is the most important thing and should not be missed by diabetics. Breakfast ensures that the body receives the right energy. This way you will avoid excessive appetite for lunch. Certainly, blood sugar levels will be compensated.
2. Consume more omega-3s
Fish oil or omega-3 is a good food for health, especially for the heart. Omega-3s can be obtained easily from different types of fish, such as tuna, salmon and many others.
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Diabetics are advised to consume more fish oil. The reason is that this content is great for preventing the risk of inflammation in diabetics. This way you will avoid the complications of diabetes.
3. Avoid sugary drinks
Diabetics are advised to avoid sugary drinks such as sweet tea, juices with added sugar, and various other processed beverages. The sweet taste of these drinks is zero calories, won’t make you feel full and will only make you obese.
4. Choose healthier carbohydrates
All carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels, so it’s important to know which foods contain carbohydrates. Choose healthy foods that contain carbohydrates and watch portion sizes. Quoting from diabetic.org.uk, here are some healthy sources of carbohydrates:
– Whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat and whole wheat
– Fruit
– Vegetables
– Legumes such as chickpeas, chickpeas and lentils
– Dairy products such as yogurt and unsweetened milk.
At the same time, it’s also important to cut down on low-fiber foods like white bread, white rice, and refined grains. You can check food labels when looking for high-fiber foods if you’re unsure.
5. Balance with exercise
Physical activity will help sufferers diabetes adopt a healthy lifestyle, as well as a way to control blood sugar levels. During exercise, your muscles will need sugar to burn energy, so insulin will be assisted in processing glucose in the body. Diabetics can do light exercise, such as walking, running, brisk walking or cycling. To balance out the diet plan you’re on, make sure you exercise regularly, at least once a week.
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