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5 tips against boredom during a long car ride

This weekend many Dutch people are going on holiday again. So there is a good chance of a traffic jam! Are you also stuck on the road or are you in the car for a long time? 5 tips to survive the car journey.

1. Play a game with your travel companions

There are hundreds of games that you can play in the car. Some you may already know, but here are a few in a row:

  • 1. Who will be the first to see a red (green, blue, yellow) car?
  • 2. I see I see what you do not see… Take something in mind and let the other person guess.
  • 3. I’m going on vacation and I’m taking… (You take turns saying this sentence and sticking a word to it. The next one should repeat exactly what has already been said and add a new word to it. For example: ‘ I’m going on vacation and I’m taking with me… a suitcase and a toothbrush.’)
  • 4. Auto Bingo: Write down 5 things and whoever sees everything first wins.
  • 5. Who am I? (Consider a (famous) person and let the rest guess and ask questions. You can only say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The game is over when someone guesses correctly.)
  • 6. Guessing Songs: Put on any song for 10 seconds and guess what!

2. Do something creative

Why be bored when you can make something fun along the way? Braiding bracelets is also doable in the back seat. Maybe you also have old Loom elastic bands that you can use again?

3. Train your brain

There are all kinds of ways you can challenge yourself during a car trip. For example, download a brain training app or learn a new language via the Duolingo app. Then it will be nice and easy to order a sandwich or coke on holiday. Don’t have a phone or iPad to hand? Then buy a puzzle booklet with, for example, crossword puzzles. Who wouldn’t want to get out of the car smarter?

4. Let your ears do the work

Are you a bit tired of all the standard songs you normally listen to? Then download a podcast, which is a kind of radio program about one subject. Or download an audiobook, then you can relax and listen to your favorite book.

5. Writing

In the car you finally have the time to write quietly. For example, start a travel diary. It is also nice to write a letter to yourself: what do you expect from the holiday and what are you most looking forward to? After the holidays, you can open the letter again and check if what you wrote was correct.

What do you usually do in the car?

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