TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Coronary heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the world. Therefore, it is important for the owner of a history of this disease to receive proper treatment, one of which is through surgery heart bypass (CABG).
“This action is carried out by connecting healthy blood vessels as a new pathway for blood flow to blocked or narrowed blood vessels,” said Muhammad Arza Putra, a thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon specialist at RSUI.
However, not all patients can undergo bypass surgery. Arza mentioned a number of criteria that must be met, including patients with severe narrowing of the blood vessels or blockage of the heart / coronary arteries.
Then, narrowing occurs in more than three coronary arteries, severe chest pain, and heart attacks that cannot be treated with drug therapy.
“The team of doctors will also carry out a detailed examination before deciding whether the patient needs heart surgery or not,” he said.
In the pandemic era, patients who are going to undergo heart surgery must also be sure that they are not infected Covid-19.
“If you suffer from Covid-19, heart surgery is postponed at least seven weeks after recovering from Covid-19,” said Arza.
According to him, Covid-19 can cause heart damage and will need repair for several weeks after recovering. If the operation is carried out in a hurry, it can increase the risk of complications. The team of doctors will ensure that the patient has recovered from Covid-19 and plans for heart surgery at the right time so that patients do not have to worry about having heart surgery during a pandemic.
Arza also informed that there are several things that must be considered before heart surgery. First, stop smoking two weeks before surgery. Second, stop using blood thinners. Third, comprehensive examinations such as heart records, X-rays, and laboratories.
Fourth, fasting for one day. Fifth, Covid-19 PCR swabs before elective / scheduled operations. All the information related to the surgery he said would be explained to the patient beforehand operation heart.
Also read: 3 Ways to Prevent Heart Attack
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